Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future, 13th Edition © 2024

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

Cover image

Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future, 13th Edition prepares students for the ESB V.2 Entrepreneurship & Small Business (ESB) certification from Certiport®.

Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future provides a comprehensive guide to developing a business plan in today’s competitive, highly technical environment.

  • Entrepreneur case studies
  • Photos and illustrations
  • The latest in business technology developments and applications
  • Updated standards on diversity, equality, and inclusion
  • Aligned to industry-recognized certification
  • Bundle with the Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) Prep Course

Foundational entrepreneurship program with digital support

Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future provides a comprehensive guide to developing a business plan, with a strong financial focus.

Engaging chapter features

Throughout the chapter, students will find features that focus on entrepreneurial investigations and case studies highlighting successful entrepreneurs.

Authored by NFTE

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship is a global educational nonprofit focused on bringing the power of entrepreneurship to youth in low-income communities. NFTE has trained thousands of teachers and educated more than a million young people worldwide.

Project-based learning

This methodology allows students to learn by doing in the context of creating their own business concept. Students refine their business concept as new knowledge is gained.

Preparing for certification

The text prepares students for the ESB V.2 Entrepreneurship & Small Business certification exam from Certiport®. Add the digital ESB Prep course from NFTE for additional test preparation.

Teaching solutions

Conceptual exercises, real-world applications, and support for all teaching styles

Guiding question
Each section begins with a question prompt for a whole-classroom discussion.

Easy-to-understand section objectives identify the key concepts in each section.

Application to business planning
Each topic relates to the ongoing business plan being developed.

National standards
National ESB standards and common career technical core standards are included.

Career competencies
Each topic develops skills essential to professional business success.

End-of-chapter assessment
Each chapter ends with a series of review questions that check the student’s understanding of the chapter content from a variety of perspectives.

Critical thinking questions
These questions prompt students to think more deeply about key concepts.

Entrepreneurial thinking exercises
These assessment questions help develop and reinforce the entrepreneurial mindset.

Extension activities
These activities provide alternatives to further reinforce chapter content.

Student activity workbook
This workbook is an additional practice resource for each chapter while supporting overall development of the business plan.

Add digital test prep to your entrepreneurship curriculum

  • Designed to prepare students for success on Certiport’s ESB certification exam.
  • 18 digital lessons with built-in activities, quizzes, and test prep (30-40 hours of instruction).
  • Delivered in a versatile, user-friendly Canvas® course from NFTE.
  • Bundle ESB Prep with print or go 100% digital with complete access to the entrepreneurship eTextbook!

Test prep contents

  • Intro to ESB and the entrepreneurial mindset
  • The lean canvas and design thinking
  • Identifying business ideas & turning them into opportunities
  • Lean market research and competitive advantages
  • Marketing and selling products or services
  • Customer segments and promotional channels
  • Business costs, delivering products & services, and EOU economics
  • Financing and running a startup
  • Elevator pitch

Engaging activities to ignite an entrepreneurial mindset

  • Entrepreneurial mindset warm-ups
  • Embedded activities: graphic organizers, interactive matching, image hotspots, vocabulary flashcards, classifications
  • Entrepreneur’s journal and self-reflections
  • Extensions: videos, articles, and further reading
  • Interactive assignments and lesson practice quizzes
  • Practice tests for each ESB content domain

Teacher resources

  • Plan with implementation guides and a scope and sequence, aligning lesson goals to ESB objectives
  • Teach with ready-to-go PowerPoint® presentations, guiding questions, and customizable rubrics
  • Utilize Canvas® tools including a gradebook, discussion board, and more!

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Frequently asked questions

Grades 9-12

This program works well in entrepreneurship, business and marketing courses.

Yes. Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future, 13th Edition prepares students for the ESB V.2 Entrepreneurship & Small Business (ESB) certification from Certiport®.

Available student resources include the print Student edition, Student workbook, Student edition eTextbook on the Bookshelf by VitalSource® platform, and ESB prep course.

Pearson offers custom teacher resources for all programs. Use the contact form on this page to request access to instructor resources for this program.

Student digital access to the Bookshelf by VitalSource eTextbook can be purchased as 1 access code or a bundle of 6 access codes. All access codes are for use by 1 student, for 1 course, for up to 1 year, and are non-transferable.

The digital ESB prep course can be bundled with the print student edition of Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future, 13th Edition. Or, go completely digital and purchase the ESB prep course with access to the Bookshelf by VitalSource eTextbook.

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