NCCER General Carpentry, 6th Edition © 2023

National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER®)

Cover image

General Carpentry meets the standards for the NCCER Carpentry Certification.

NCCER General Carpentry is an ideal resource to explore this essential, growing construction field.

  • Streamlined design for visual learners
  • Reorganized modules for new regulations and best practices
  • QR codes link to instructional videos
  • Updated images of the latest tools and equipment
  • Powerful NCCERconnect online course
  • Prepare students for industry-recognized certification

Prepare learners for careers in carpentry

An exceptionally produced carpentry trainee guide with a highly illustrated design, technical hints, and tips from industry experts.

Industry recognized authorship

General Carpentry is authored by NCCER, a non-profit education foundation created by the construction industry to develop standardized curriculum and credentialing.

Prepare students for certification

The curriculum for General Carpentry was developed to prepare students for the NCCER Carpentry Certification exam. We worked with the industry so the skills gained in the class could apply anywhere.

Prioritize safety

This edition has a greater emphasis on safety and includes the latest international building and residential codes.

Address environmental concerns

The Going Green feature explores ways to preserve the environment, save energy, and make good choices regarding the health of the planet.

Teaching solutions

Conceptual exercises, real-world applications, and support for all teaching styles

Up front explanations
Each section lays out up front what students need to know by the end.

End-of-chapter practice
Courses are also structured to provide opportunities at the end to practice what they learned.

Module objectives
Objectives at the beginning of each module list the skills and knowledge needed to complete the module successfully.

Prioritize safety
Safety features throughout the text emphasize the importance of always being vigilant on the job.

Student eTextbook
Students can access a complete eTextbook with search and navigation features.

Formative and summative assessment
Homework assignments and assessments feature options for instant feedback that is recorded to the gradebook.

Classroom presentations
Dynamic presentations can be used as a remote lecture or module review.

Classroom management
Teachers can make assignments for the entire class or individual students and track results with a gradebook and reporting tools.

Engaging videos
Engaging videos provide visual instruction to support the text.

Photos and graphics
Numerous photos and graphics throughout the text hold students’ attention and help them better absorb information.

Safety with tools
Proper use of tools and equipment are explained in text, diagrams, and videos to ensure complete understanding.

Real-world projects
Performance-based projects simulate on-the-job scenarios including materials, tools, directions and assessments.

Online learning


A comprehensive online learning platform that prepares high school students for a wide range of craft professions. NCCERconnect is aligned to courses, credentials, and certifications offered by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). It offers portable, industry-recognized skill-builders and career development for the construction and maintenance industries.

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Frequently asked questions

Grades 9-12

This program is designed for introductory carpentry courses.

General Carpentry meets the standards for the NCCER Carpentry Certification.

Available student resources include the hardcover trainee guide and student access to NCCERconnect.

Pearson offers custom teacher resources for all programs. Use the contact form on this page to request access to instructor resources for this program.

Student digital access to NCCERconnect can be bundled with the trainee guide or purchased separately for 1 year. All access codes are for use by 1 student, for 1 course, for up to 1 year, and are non-transferable.

Yes, you can now bundle NCCER Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills with General Carpentry. Use the contact form on this page regarding print and digital bundle options.

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