Fundamentals of Crew Leadership (Module 46101) teaches leadership skills and styles, including effective ways to communicate, how to provide direction, and planning and scheduling the work of a crew. Students will learn practical approaches for problem-solving, motivating teams, delegating tasks and enforcing safety.
The 4th Edition reflects a modern approach to front-line leadership, including guiding and motivating diverse crews. The curriculum now includes practical approaches to project leadership, conflict management and addressing performance. It has new art, new and updated training content, and revisions to the module test.
Practical application
- Step-by-step instructions throughout the text guide students in performing technical procedures safely and efficiently.
- An introductory page lists the module objectives and relevant trade terms. It also includes performance tasks for applying new knowledge to real-world tasks.
- Section review questions at the end of each section test students' knowledge of the content they've just read.
- Review questions reinforce the knowledge students gain while measuring what they understand.
Learning aids
- Trade features present technical tips and professional practices based on real scenarios encountered on the job.
- Figures and tables throughout illustrate important concepts and clarify complex instructions.
Modern approaches to front-line leadership
- Working with and motivating diverse crews to build successful teams is a new point of focus.
- Practical applications for project leadership are addressed, such as workface planning, field reporting and resource control.
- Updated content on the peer-to-manager transition includes strategies for tasks such as managing conflict and addressing performance issues.
Learning aids
- Updated training content offers practical applications for leaders, including how to prepare trainees for on-the-job situations.
- Revisions to the module test reflect updated content in the module.
- The latest artwork brings to life the leadership skills under discussion.