Psychology, 6th Edition, AP Edition © 2021
Saundra K. Ciccarelli | J Noland White

Psychology offers a learner-centered, assessment-driven approach that maximizes student engagement and helps educators keep learners on track. Authors Saundra Ciccarelli and J. Noland White draw readers into the discipline by showing how psychology relates to their own lives. Assessment tied to learning objectives, based on the recommended APA undergraduate learning outcomes, allows instructors to monitor class progress and intervene when necessary to bolster student performance.
The 6th Edition provides coverage of the latest developments in psychology to ensure an up-to-date learning experience.
A learner-centered approach
- An engaging writing style energizes students' desire to learn.
- Examinations of key research facilitate a thorough understanding of the field.
- Comprehensive coverage, including dedicated chapters Sexuality, Gender, Stress and Health, yields an in-depth view of the discipline.
An emphasis on APA learning goals
- The authors organize all content around the American Psychological Association (APA) goals and assessment recommendations to facilitate successful learning outcomes.
- Based on APA recommendations, each chapter and all resources are structured around detailed learning objectives.
- Critical thinking features reinforce scientific inquiry, supporting APA Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking.
Updated content and coverage of contemporary topics
- New: Coverage of the latest developments in psychology ensures an up-to-date learning experience. Highlights include:
- New research on SSRIs and the link between serotonin and various disorders
- Updated research on the genetic factors that influence neuroscience and therefore BMI
- More information on social identity theory and how it relates to aggression and altruism
- Updated: Thoroughly revised Applying Psychology to Everyday Life features show how psychological concepts are relevant to students' daily lives.
- Updated: The introductory chapter, Psychology in Action, has been restructured around 8 modules that address many of the APA learning goals for the undergraduate psychology major.
- The Science of Psychology
- The Biological Perspective
- Sensation and Perception
- Consciousness
- Learning
- Memory
- Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language
- Development Across the Life Span
- Motivation and Emotion
- Stress and Health
- Social Psychology
- Theories of Personality
- Psychological Disorders
- Psychological Therapies
Appendix Applied Psychology and Psychology Careers
Psychology in Action: Secrets for Surviving AP Psychology and Improving Your Grades
Saundra K. Ciccarelli
Gulf Coast State College
Saundra K. Ciccarelli is a professor emeritus of psychology at Gulf Coast State College in Panama City, Florida. She received her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science. Originally interested in a career as a researcher in the development of language and intelligence in developmentally delayed children and adolescents, Dr. Ciccarelli had publications in the American Journal of Mental Deficiency while still at Peabody. However, she discovered a love of teaching early on in her career. This led her to the position at Gulf Coast State College, where she taught Introductory Psychology and Human Development for more than 30 years. Her students loved her enthusiasm for the field of psychology and the many anecdotes and examples she used to bring psychology to life for them. Before writing this title, Dr. Ciccarelli authored numerous ancillary materials for several introductory psychology and human development texts.
J Noland White
Georgia College & State University
J. Noland White is a professor of psychology at Georgia College & State University (Georgia College), Georgia's Public Liberal Arts University, located in Milledgeville. He received his A.A. in psychology from Macon State College and both his B.S. and M.S. in psychology from Georgia College. After receiving his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Tennessee, he joined the faculty of Georgia College in 2001. He teaches Introductory Psychology, Psychology of Adjustment, Behavioral Neuroscience, Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience, Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Senior Seminar and a section of Advanced Research Methods focusing on psychophysiology. He has an active lab and, with his students, is investigating the psychophysiological characteristics and neuropsychological performance of adults with and without ADHD. Outside of the lab, Dr. White is engaged in collaborative research examining the effectiveness of incorporating various technologies in and out of the college classroom to facilitate student learning. He also serves as a mentor for other faculty wanting to expand their use of technology with their classes. In April 2008 he was a recipient of the Georgia College Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. White is also a licensed psychologist and has worked with adolescents and adults in a variety of clinical and community settings.
This program is available in a variety of formats. You can review the individual prices for each ISBN in our catalog. All access codes are for use by 1 student, for 1 course, for up to 1 year, and are non-transferable.
Format | ISBN-13 |
AP student edition (HS binding) with MyLab Psychology with eTextbook (up to 6-years) |
9780135218211 |
AP student edition (HS Binding) with MyLab Psychology with eTextbook (up to 6-years) with AP test prep workbook |
9780135221655 |
Test prep workbook for AP | 9780135268513 |
MyLab Psychology with eTextbook (1-year access) | 9780137452965 |
MyLab Psychology with eTextbook (6-year access) | 9780137452996 |

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