College Physics: Explore and Apply encourages students to take an active role in the learning process, to practice scientific skills such as observing, analyzing, and testing, and to build scientific habits of mind. The authors believe students best learn physics by doing physics.
The 2nd edition offers an updated, pedagogically driven design and streamlines content to help students focus and use the text effectively. By pursuing the process of science, students can establish foundations for conceptual understanding, develop reasoning and problem-solving skills, and apply knowledge to complex situations.
Hallmark features of this title
- A 4-step problem-solving approach in worked examples uses representations to teach students how to solve complex physics problems.
- Problem-solving strategy boxes for broad classes of problems use a unique 2-column layout to pair general steps with a concrete example in applying a structured approach to solving problems.
- Physics tool boxes focus on a particular skill, such as drawing a motion diagram, force diagram, or work-energy bar chart to analyze processes and solve problems that bridge real phenomena and mathematics.
- A Qualitative-first system develops conceptual understanding by introducing concepts in action in the real world, followed by vocabulary and quantitative reasoning.
- Biological and medical examples provide relevance for life science majors.
New and updated features of this title
- Expanded & New: Worked examples, conceptual exercises, and quantitative exercises build higher-level scientific skills, including analysis, synthesis, evaluation and experimental design. New worked examples and end-of-chapter problems focus on data analysis, evaluation, and argumentation.
- Revised: Integration of applications throughout each chapter, rather than grouped in the Putting It All Together sections of the 1st Edition, optimizes student engagement and consolidates the explore-and-apply approach.
- End-of-chapter problem types and questions and problems include multiple choice with multiple correct answers, find-a-pattern in data in a video or table, ranking tasks, evaluate statements/claims/explanations/measuring procedures, evaluate solutions, design a device or procedure that meets given criteria, and linearization problems.
- Integration of vector arithmetic into early chapters helps students develop vector-related skills in the context of learning physics.
- Earlier placement of waves and oscillations allows instructors to teach these topics with mechanics if preferred. Coverage with optics is also possible.