1. The Whole Numbers
1.1 Study Skill Tips for Success in Mathematics
1.2 Place Value, Names for Numbers, and Reading Tables
1.3 Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers, and Perimeter
1.4 Rounding and Estimating
1.5 Multiplying Whole Numbers and Area
1.6 Dividing Whole Numbers
Mid-Chapter Review: Operations on Whole Numbers
1.7 Exponents and Order of Operations
1.8 Introduction to Variables, Algebraic Expressions, and Equations
2. Integers and Introduction to Solving Equations
2.1 Introduction to Integers
2.2 Adding Integers
2.3 Subtracting Integers
2.4 Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Mid-Chapter Review: Integers
2.5 Order of Operations
2.6 Solving Equations: The Addition and Multiplication Properties
3. Solving Equations and Problem Solving
3.1 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
3.2 Solving Equations: Review of the Addition and Multiplication Properties
Mid-Chapter Review: Expressions and Equations
3.3 Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
3.4 Linear Equations in One Variable and Problem Solving
4. Fractions and Mixed Numbers
4.1 Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers
4.2 Factors and Simplest Form
4.3 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
4.4 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions, Least Common Denominator, and Equivalent Fractions
4.5 Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions
Mid-Chapter Review: Summary on Fractions and Operations on Fractions
4.6 Complex Fractions and Review of Order of Operations
4.7 Operations on Mixed Numbers
4.8 Solving Equations Containing Fractions
5. Decimals
5.1 Introduction to Decimals
5.2 Adding and Subtracting Decimals
5.3 Multiplying Decimals and Circumference of a Circle
5.4 Dividing Decimals
Mid-Chapter Review: Operations on Decimals
5.5 Fractions, Decimals, and Order of Operations
5.6 Solving Equations Containing Decimals
5.7 Decimal Applications: Mean, Median, and Mode
6. Ratio, Proportion, and Triangle Applications
6.1 Ratios and Rates
6.2 Proportions
Mid-Chapter Review: Ratio, Rate, and Proportion
6.3 Proportions and Problem Solving
6.4 Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem
6.5 Congruent and Similar Triangles
7. Percent
7.1 Percents, Decimals, and Fractions
7.2 Solving Percent Problems with Equations
7.3 Solving Percent Problems with Proportions
Mid-Chapter Review: Percent and Percent Problems
7.4 Applications of Percent
7.5 Percent and Problem Solving: Sales Tax, Commission, and Discount
7.6 Percent and Problem Solving: Interest
8. Graphing and Introduction to Statistics and Probability
8.1 Pictographs, Bar Graphs, Histograms, Line Graphs, and Introduction to Statistics
8.2 Circle Graphs
8.3 The Rectangular Coordinate System and Paired Data
Mid-Chapter Review: Reading Graphs
8.4 Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables
8.5 Counting and Introduction to Probability
9. Geometry and Measurement
9.1 Lines and Angles
9.2 Perimeter
9.3 Area, Volume, and Surface Area
Mid-Chapter Review: Geometry Concepts
9.4 Linear Measurement
9.5 Weight and Mass
9.6 Capacity
9.7 Temperature and Conversions Between the U.S. and Metric Systems
10. Exponents and Polynomials
10.1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
10.2 Multiplication Properties of Exponents
Mid-Chapter Review: Operations on Polynomials
10.3 Multiplying Polynomials
10.4 Introduction to Factoring Polynomials
Appendix A: Tables
A.1 Tables of Geometric Figures
A.2 Table of Percents, Decimals, and Fraction Equivalents
A.3 Table on Finding Common Percents of a Number
A.4 Table of Squares and Square Roots
Appendix B: Quotient Rule and Negative Exponents
Appendix C: Scientific Notation
Appendix D: Geometric Formulas
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Note: Each chapter concludes with Group Activity, Vocabulary Check, Chapter Highlights, Chapter Review, Getting Ready for the Test, and Chapter Test. Chapters 2-10 include Cumulative Review.