Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3rd Edition © 2019
William L. Briggs | Lyle Cochran | Bernard Gillett | Eric Schulz

The much-anticipated 3rd Edition of Calculus: Early Transcendentals retains its hallmark features while introducing important advances and refinements. Briggs, Cochran, Gillett and Schulz build from a foundation of meticulously crafted exercise sets, then draw students into the narrative through writing that reflects the voice of the instructor. Examples are stepped out and thoughtfully annotated, and figures are designed to teach rather than simply supplement the narrative.
Hallmark features of this title
- Figures have been carefully crafted and reviewed. Whenever possible, the authors let the figures communicate essential ideas with annotations that echo an instructor's voice.
- Annotated Examples:
- Worked-out examples have annotations in blue type to guide students through the process of a solution and to emphasize that each step in a mathematical argument is rigorously justified.
- These annotations echo how instructors talk through examples in lectures. They also help students who may struggle with algebra and trigonometry steps in the solution process.
- Quick Check questions encourage students to do calculus as they are reading about it. These questions resemble the kinds of questions instructors pose in class.
New and updated features of this title
- Revised exercise sets are a major focus of the revision. In response to reviewer and instructor feedback, the authors implemented some significant changes to the exercise sets by rearranging and relabeling exercises, modifying some exercises, and adding many new ones.
- New video assignments are available for each section of the text. These editable assignments are perfect for any class format, including online, hybrid or flipped classroom.
- Instructors, contact your sales rep to ensure you have the most recent version of the course.
- Nearly 500 new exercises added from the textbook to the MyLab®
- A new set of 3D printable versions of the interactive figures
- New Math in the real-world animated videos
- More example videos, with new videos providing alternate presentations of many key examples in calculus
- Author review of learning aids and solutions for accuracy and fidelity with the text methods
- All interactive figures, interactive eTextbook, and any exercises that use Interactive Figures are now run on Wolfram Cloud instead of the Wolfram CDF Player.
- The interactive eTextbook is now run on Wolfram Cloud instead of the Wolfram CDF Player.
1.1 Review of Functions
1.2 Representing Functions
1.3 Inverse, Exponential, and Logarithmic Functions
1.4 Trigonometric Functions and Their Inverses
Review Exercises
2.1 The Idea of Limits
2.2 Definitions of Limits
2.3 Techniques for Computing Limits
2.4 Infinite Limits
2.5 Limits at Infinity
2.6 Continuity
2.7 Precise Definitions of Limits
Review Exercises
3.1 Introducing the Derivative
3.2 The Derivative as a Function
3.3 Rules of Differentiation
3.4 The Product and Quotient Rules
3.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
3.6 Derivatives as Rates of Change
3.7 The Chain Rule
3.8 Implicit Differentiation
3.9 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
3.10 Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
3.11 Related Rates
Review Exercises
4.1 Maxima and Minima
4.2 Mean Value Theorem
4.3 What Derivatives Tell Us
4.4 Graphing Functions
4.5 Optimization Problems
4.6 Linear Approximation and Differentials
4.7 L’Hôpital’s Rule
4.8 Newton’s Method
4.9 Antiderivatives
Review Exercises
5.1 Approximating Areas under Curves
5.2 Definite Integrals
5.3 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
5.4 Working with Integrals
5.5 Substitution Rule
Review Exercises
6.1 Velocity and Net Change
6.2 Regions Between Curves
6.3 Volume by Slicing
6.4 Volume by Shells
6.5 Length of Curves
6.6 Surface Area
6.7 Physical Applications
Review Exercises
7.1 Logarithmic and Exponential Functions Revisited
7.2 Exponential Models
7.3 Hyperbolic Functions
Review Exercises
8.1 Basic Approaches
8.2 Integration by Parts
8.3 Trigonometric Integrals
8.4 Trigonometric Substitutions
8.5 Partial Fractions
8.6 Integration Strategies
8.7 Other Methods of Integration
8.8 Numerical Integration
8.9 Improper Integrals
Review Exercises
9.1 Basic Ideas
9.2 Direction Fields and Euler’s Method
9.3 Separable Differential Equations
9.4 Special First-Order Linear Differential Equations
9.5 Modeling with Differential Equations
Review Exercises
10.1 An Overview
10.2 Sequences
10.3 Infinite Series
10.4 The Divergence and Integral Tests
10.5 Comparison Tests
10.6 Alternating Series
10.7 The Ratio and Root Tests
10.8 Choosing a Convergence Test
Review Exercises
11.1 Approximating Functions with Polynomials
11.2 Properties of Power Series
11.3 Taylor Series
11.4 Working with Taylor Series
Review Exercises
12.1 Parametric Equations
12.2 Polar Coordinates
12.3 Calculus in Polar Coordinates
12.4 Conic Sections
Review Exercises
13.1 Vectors in the Plane
13.2 Vectors in Three Dimensions
13.3 Dot Products
13.4 Cross Products
13.5 Lines and Planes in Space
13.6 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces
Review Exercises
14.1 Vector-Valued Functions
14.2 Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions
14.3 Motion in Space
14.4 Length of Curves
14.5 Curvature and Normal Vectors
Review Exercises
15.1 Graphs and Level Curves
15.2 Limits and Continuity
15.3 Partial Derivatives
15.4 The Chain Rule
15.5 Directional Derivatives and the Gradient
15.6 Tangent Planes and Linear Approximation
15.7 Maximum/Minimum Problems
15.8 Lagrange Multipliers
Review Exercises
16.1 Double Integrals over Rectangular Regions
16.2 Double Integrals over General Regions
16.3 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
16.4 Triple Integrals
16.5 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
16.6 Integrals for Mass Calculations
16.7 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals
Review Exercises
17.1 Vector Fields
17.2 Line Integrals
17.3 Conservative Vector Fields
17.4 Green’s Theorem
17.5 Divergence and Curl
17.6 Surface Integrals
17.7 Stokes’ Theorem
17.8 Divergence Theorem
Review Exercises
D2.1 Basic Ideas
D2.2 Linear Homogeneous Equations
D2.3 Linear Nonhomogeneous Equations
D2.4 Applications
D2.5 Complex Forcing Functions
Review Exercises
Appendix A. Proofs of Selected Theorems
Appendix B. Algebra Review ONLINE
Appendix C. Complex Numbers ONLINE
1. Functions
2. Limits
3. Derivatives
4. Applications of the Derivative
5. Integration
6. Applications of Integration
7. Logarithmic, Exponential, and Hyperbolic Functions
8. Integration Techniques
9. Differential Equations
10. Sequences and Infinite Series
11. Power Series
12. Parametric and Polar Curves
13. Vectors and the Geometry of Space
14. Vector-Valued Functions
15. Functions of Several Variables
16. Multiple Integration
17. Vector Calculus
William L. Briggs
University of Colorado Denver
William Briggs has been on the mathematics faculty at the University of Colorado at Denver for 23 years. He received his BA in mathematics from the University of Colorado and his MS and PhD in applied mathematics from Harvard University. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses throughout the mathematics curriculum, with a special interest in mathematical modeling and differential equations as it applies to problems in the biosciences. He has written a quantitative reasoning textbook, Using and Understanding Mathematics; an undergraduate problem-solving book, Ants, Bikes, and Clocks; and two tutorial monographs, The Multigrid Tutorial and the DFT: An Owner's Manual for the Discrete Fourier Transform. He is the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Vice President for Education, a University of Colorado President's Teaching Scholar, a recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), and the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to Ireland.
Lyle Cochran
Whitworth University
Lyle Cochran is a professor of mathematics at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. He holds BS degrees in mathematics and mathematics education from Oregon State University and a MS and PhD in mathematics from Washington State University. He has taught a wide variety of undergraduate mathematics courses at Washington State University, Fresno Pacific University, and since 1995 at Whitworth University. His expertise is in mathematical analysis, and he has a special interest in the integration of technology and mathematics education. He has written technology materials for leading calculus and linear algebra textbooks including the Instructor's Mathematica Manual for Linear Algebra and Its Applications by David C. Lay and the Mathematica Technology Resource Manual for Thomas' Calculus. He is a member of the MAA and a former chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Whitworth University.
Bernard Gillett
University of Colorado Boulder
Bernard Gillett is a Senior Instructor at the University of Colorado at Boulder; his primary focus is undergraduate education. He has taught a wide variety of mathematics courses over a 20-year career, receiving 5 teaching awards in that time. Bernard authored a software package for algebra, trigonometry, and precalculus; the Student's Guide and Solutions Manual and the Instructor's Guide and Solutions Manual for Using and Understanding Mathematics by Briggs and Bennett; and the Instructor's Resource Guide and Test Bank for Calculus and Calculus: Early Transcendentals by Briggs, Cochran and Gillett. Bernard is also an avid rock climber and has published 4 climbing guides for the mountains in and surrounding Rocky Mountain National Park.
Eric Schulz
Walla Walla Community College
Eric Schulz has been teaching mathematics at Walla Walla Community College since 1989 and began his work with Mathematica in 1992. He has an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Seattle Pacific University and a graduate degree in mathematics from the University of Washington. Eric loves working with students and is passionate about their success. His interest in innovative and effective uses of technology in teaching mathematics has remained strong throughout his career. He is the developer of the Basic Math Assistant, Classroom Assistant, and Writing Assistant palettes that ship in Mathematica worldwide. He is an author on multiple textbooks: Calculus and Calculus: Early Transcendentals with Briggs, Cochran and Gillett, and Precalculus with Sachs and Briggs, where he writes, codes and creates dynamic eTextbooks combining narrative, videos and Interactive Figures using Mathematica and CDF technology.
This program is available in a variety of formats. You can review the individual prices for each ISBN in our catalog. All access codes are for use by 1 student, for 1 course, for up to 1 year, and are non-transferable.
Format | ISBN-13 |
Student edition | 9780134763644 |
Student edition single variable | 9780134766850 |
Instructors review copy | 9780134766843 |
Student solutions manual-single variable | 9780134770482 |
Student solutions manual-multivariable | 9780134766829 |
MyMathLab for School with eTextbook (1-year access) | 100% digital solution. Access code is delivered via email. | 9780132962377 |
MyMathLab for School with eTextbook (6-year access) | 100% digital solution. Access code is delivered via email. | 9780132962391 |

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