Beginning & Intermediate Algebra, 7th Edition © 2023
Elayn Martin-Gay

Author, Elayn Martin-Gay's firm belief that each student can succeed shapes all her texts and video resources. The needs of the student inspire her clear, accessible writing, continued pedagogical innovations, and her popular and effective video instruction. She knows that students don't simply need to be taught math skills; they also need soft skills support that teaches them how to be students. Beginning & Intermediate Algebra, 7th Edition continues her focus on student success by tightening the connection between her hallmark math instruction and emphasis on study skills, blending them in a new video series.
Hallmark features of this title
- Concept Checks help students gauge their grasp of an idea as it is presented and help prevent misconceptions.
- Exercise sets include Guided Applications, Mixed Practice, Concept Extension, and Vocabulary, Readiness & Video Checks.
- A study skills focus helps students make the most of their study time. Resources include Section 1.1 Tips for Success in Mathematics, a Video Notebook to encourage good notetaking, and study skills resources in MyLab® Math.
- End-of-chapter material helps students reinforce concepts in the most teachable moment: when preparing for a test. Getting Ready for the Test exercises help students check their understanding and avoid common errors.
New and updated features of this title
- Thoroughly examined and revised Exercise Sets feature a special focus on carefully pairing even- and odd-numbered exercises.
- Real-life applications and data are made current to keep content relevant for today's students. Updated applications include social media use, stock share prices, and job growth predictions.
- Updated Extension Exercises, Exploration Activities, Conceptual Exercises, and Group Activities are provided in the Key Concept Activity Workbook. This workbook is available through MyLab Math.
- The Video Notebook has been updated to reflect updates made to the video lectures. This note-taking guide workbook provides students with the all-important skill of taking and keeping organized notes. It covers all video examples in order and gives prompts with ample space to note definitions and rules.
- All new Section Lecture Videos merge study strategies with the math instruction, allowing instructors to include study skills in their course without taking up valuable time. Every section in the text has a completely new Lecture Video featuring Elayn Martin-Gay's friendly presentation style. Videos introduce common errors and study tips along with mathematics.
- Other video resources include Getting Ready for the Test video solutions and Chapter Test Prep solutions, both of which help students in their most teachable moment, and Student Success Tip videos.
- A new Mindset module includes assignable growth mindset-focused videos and exercises that help students keep a positive attitude about learning, value their own ability to grow, and view mistakes as learning opportunities.
- New GeoGebra animations can be assigned with exercises and ask students to interact with the math in a visual way.
- Integrated Review in MyLab Math helps students who need a refresher on prerequisite skills. Premade assignments include a Chapter Skills Check on prerequisite skills, and follow-up personalized homework focusing each student on just the topics they need. Videos and worksheets offer more instruction on topics where students might require extra help.
2. Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving
3. Graphing
4. Solving Systems of Linear Equations
5. Exponents and Polynomials
6. Factoring Polynomials
7. Rational Expressions
8. More on Functions and Graphs
9. Inequalities and Absolute Value
10. Rational Exponents, Radicals, and Complex Numbers
11. Quadratic Equations and Functions
12. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
13. Conic Sections
14. Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Theorem
Appendix A: Operations on Decimals/Table of Percent, Decimal, and Fraction Equivalents
Appendix B: Review of Algebra Topics
Appendix C: An Introduction to Using a Graphing Utility
Appendix D: Solving Systems of Equations by Matrices
Appendix E: Solving Systems of Equations Using Determinants
Appendix F: Mean, Median, Mode
Appendix G: Review of Angles, Lines, and Special Triangles
Student Resources
Study Skill Builders
Bigger Picture: Study Guide Outline
Practice Final Exam
Elayn Martin-Gay
University of New Orleans, Lakefront
Elayn Martin-Gay has taught mathematics at the University of New Orleans for more than 25 years. Her numerous teaching awards include the local University Alumni Association's Award for Excellence in Teaching, and Outstanding Developmental Educator at University of New Orleans, presented by the Louisiana Association of Developmental Educators.
Prior to writing textbooks, Elayn Martin-Gay developed an acclaimed series of lecture videos to support developmental mathematics students. These highly successful videos originally served as the foundation materials for her texts. Today, the videos are specific to each book in her series. She has also created Chapter Test Prep Videos to help students during their most "teachable moment" (as they prepare for a test) along with Instructor-to-Instructor Videos that provide teaching tips, hints, and suggestions for every developmental mathematics course including basic mathematics, prealgebra, beginning algebra, and intermediate algebra.
Elayn is the author of 13 published textbooks and a new Interactive Assignment MyLab Math® course, all specializing in developmental mathematics courses. She has also published series in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. She has participated as an author across a broad range of educational materials: textbooks, videos, tutorial software, and courseware. This provides an opportunity for various combinations for an integrated teaching and learning package offering great consistency for the student.
This program is available in a variety of formats. You can review the individual prices for each ISBN in our catalog. All access codes are for use by 1 student, for 1 course, for up to 1 year, and are non-transferable.
Format | ISBN-13 |
Student edition | 9780137606269 |
Student edition + MyMathLab for School with Pearson eTextbook (1-year access) | 9780137606320 |
Student edition + MyMathLab for School with Pearson eTextbook (6-year access) | 9780137606351 |
Student edition + MathXL for School (1-year access) | 9780137606306 |
Student edition + MathXL for School (6-year access) | 9780137606313 |
Annotated instructor's edition | 9780137644568 |
MyMathLab for School with Pearson eTextbook (1-year access) | 100% digital solution. Access code is delivered via email. | 9780132962377 |
MyMathLab for School with Pearson eTextbook (6-year access) | 100% digital solution. Access code is delivered via email. | 9780132962391 |

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