
Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings, 12th edition

  • John C. Bean
  • , June Johnson

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Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings promotes the essential critical-thinking skills needed for writing effective arguments. Using a logical yet flexible approach, authors John Bean and June Johnson present argument as a process of inquiry and a means of persuasion, not simply as a pro and con debate with winners and losers.

The 12th Edition promotes deeper listening to opposing views and more open-mindedness when conducting research. Two all-new chapters focus on strategies for responding to disturbing or threatening views. New readings and images keep the text’s content contemporary and engaging. And a new section offers principles for constructing effective memes.

Published by Pearson (October 15th 2024) - Copyright © 2025

ISBN-13: 9780138316761

Subject: Composition

Category: Argument

Part 1. Principles of Argument

  1. Argument: An Introduction
  2. The Core of an Argument: A Claim with Reasons
  3. The Logical Structure of Arguments: Logos
  4. Using Evidence Effectively
  5. Moving Your Audience: Ethos, Pathos and Kairos
  6. Responding to Objections and Alternate Views
  7. Making Multimedia Arguments with Visuals and Text

Part 2. Joining an Argumentative Conversation

  1. Argument as Inquiry: Reading, Summarizing and Responding
  2. A Closer Look at Rhetorical Reading: A Rhetorical Analysis Paper
  3. A Closer Look at Open-Mindedness: An Exploratory Paper

Part 3. Arguments in Depth: Types of Claims

  1. An Introduction to the Types of Claims
  2. Definition and Resemblance Arguments
  3. Causal Arguments
  4. Evaluation and Ethical Arguments
  5. Proposal Arguments

Part 4. Alternatives to Argument: Promoting Listening, Empathy and Connection

  1. Listening to Learn and Writing Reflexively
  2. Alternatives to Argument: Collaborative Rhetoric and Invitational Rhetoric

Part 5. The Researched Argument

  1. Using Rhetorical Awareness to Find and Evaluate Sources
  2. Incorporating Sources into Your Own Argument
  3. Citing and Documenting Sources


  1. Creating Field Research Sources: Observations, Interviews, and Questionnaires
  2. Informal Fallacies