
Visualizing Technology, 10th edition

  • Debra Geoghan

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NOTE: For courses that cover both Computer Concepts and Office Applications, Visualizing Technology is available in a combined MyLab IT with content from our market-leading applications titles GO! or Exploring.

Visualizing Technology provides you with a hands-on, highly visual approach to computer concepts. As you learn new skills, you'll apply them to projects or IT simulations or watch Viz Clip videos to dive deeper. The text's magazine-style chapters offer consistent instruction and active practice with Digital Literacy, Essential Job Skills projects and engaging videos.

The 10th Edition covers a vast range of technological trends affecting modern workplaces, such as Blockchain, digital currency, NFTs, Metaverse, quantum computing, immersive technology and IoT hacks. Images have been updated throughout to better illustrate chapter concepts and each chapter begins with a Tech Challenges box to encourage thinking critically about the way digital elements impact everyday life.

Published by Pearson (June 23rd 2023) - Copyright © 2024

ISBN-13: 9780138043353

Subject: Computer Concepts


  1. What Is a Computer?
  2. Application Software
  3. File Management
  4. Hardware
  5. System Software
  6. Digital Devices, Multimedia, and Immersive Technology
  7. The Internet
  8. Communicating and Sharing: The Social Web
  9. Networks and Communication
  10. Security and Privacy
  11. Databases
  12. Program Development


  1. Microsoft® 365 Applications Chapter Guide: Visualizing Technology, 10th Edition
  2. Glossary
