Technology in Action, 18th edition
- Alan Evans
- , Kendall Martin
- , Mary Anne Poatsy
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NOTE: For courses that cover both Computer Concepts and Office Applications, Technology in Action is available in a combined MyLab IT with content from our market-leading applications titles GO! or Exploring.
Best-selling Technology in Action uses practical content and hands-on projects to keep you engaged in computing tasks and skills you can apply at work, in class or at home. Designed for today's technically savvy student, the text introduces difficult concepts at a basic level early on, then expands upon these skills as you build mastery. You'll come away with current, practical knowledge that will help you manage your digital lifestyle and pursue a career in technology.
The 18th Edition provides coverage and images that are current with Windows 11 and reflect advancements in Wi-Fi 6e, 5G mobile broadband and more. Home Networks content now emphasizes how to evaluate systems with a secondary focus on installation, and material on new smart home communication protocol Matter is also included. 2 new exercises focusing on digital careers and security provide additional insight and practice.
Published by Pearson (July 7th 2023) - Copyright © 2024
ISBN-13: 9780138043346
Subject: Computer Concepts
- The Impact of Technology in a Changing World
- Looking at Computers: Understanding the Parts
- Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Web's Resources
- Application Software: Programs That Let You Work and Play
- System Software: The Operating System, Utility Programs, and File Management
- Understanding and Assessing Hardware: Evaluating Your System
- Networking: Connecting Computing Devices
- Managing Your Digital Lifestyle: Challenges and Ethics
- Securing Your System: Protecting Your Digital Data and Devices
- Behind the Scenes: Software Programming
- Behind the Scenes: Databases and Information Systems
- Behind the Scenes: Networking and Security in the Business World
- Behind the Scenes: How the Internet Works
- The History of the Personal Computer
- Careers in IT