Introductory Circuit Analysis, 14th edition
- Robert L. Boylestad
- , Brian A. Olivari
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Introductory Circuit Analysis has been the number one acclaimed text in the field for over 50 years. Boylestad presents complex subject matter clearly and with an eye on practical applications. He provides detailed guidance in using the TI 89 Titanium calculator, the choice for this text, to perform all the required math techniques. Challenging chapter-ending review questions help you deepen your grasp of the material.
Updated with the most current, relevant content, the 14th Edition places greater emphasis on fundamentals and has been redesigned with a more modern, accessible layout. Topics requiring a solid understanding of Power Factor, Lead and Lag concepts have been significantly enhanced throughout the text.
Published by Pearson (August 5th 2022) - Copyright © 2023
ISBN-13: 9780137594177
Subject: Electronics Technology & Electricity
Category: DC / AC Circuits
- Introduction
- Voltage and Current
- Resistance
- Ohm's Law, Power, and Energy
- Series dc Circuits
- Parallel dc Circuits
- Series-Parallel Circuits
- Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (dc)
- Network Theorems
- Capacitors
- Inductors
- Magnetic Circuits
- Sinusoidal Alternating Waveforms
- The Basic Elements and Phasors
- Series ac Circuits
- Parallel ac Circuits
- Series-Parallel ac Networks
- Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (ac)
- Network Theorems (ac)
- Power (ac)
- Resonance
- Decibels, Filters, and Bode Plots
- Transformers
- Polyphase Systems
- Pulse Waveforms and the R-C Response
- Nonsinusoidal Circuits
- Conversion Factors
- Determinants
- Greek Alphabet
- Magnetic Parameter Conversions
- Maximum Power Transfer Conditions
- Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems