THINK Communication, 3rd edition
- Isa N. Engleberg
- , Dianna R. Wynn
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Understand core communication concepts
THINK Communication distills major communication concepts, theories, research, and trends into bite-size essentials, making learning human communication not only fun, but accessible and relatable. Students will find that THINK Communication’s unique features help them to identify and understand their own communication behaviors, as well the communication behavior of others.
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Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2015
ISBN-13: 9780137547333
Subject: Communication
Category: Introduction to Speech Communication
In this Section:
- Brief Table of Contents
- Full Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents
- Human Communication
- Understanding Yourself
- Adapting To Others
- Listening
- Verbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
- Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
- Improving Interpersonal Relationships
- Professional Relationships
- The Challenge Of Working In Groups
- Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
- Planning Your Presentation
- Content and Organization
- Language and Delivery
- Speaking To Inform
- Speaking To Persuade
Full Table of Contents
- Human Communication
- Communication in Your Life
- Communication Models
- Communication Contexts
- Communication Principles and Practices
- Communication and Critical Thinking
- Communication Ethics
- Understanding Yourself
- Self-Concept
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Presentation
- Perception
- Communication Apprehension and Confidence
- Adapting To Others
- The Many Faces of Others
- Barriers to Understanding Others
- Intercultural Communication Strategies
- Listening
- The Nature of Listening
- The Listening Process
- Listening to Gender and Culture
- Listening Strategies and Skills
- Verbal Communication
- Human Language
- Language and Meaning
- Language, Culture, Gender, and Context
- Language Barriers
- Language Lessons
- Nonverbal Communication
- Communicating Without Words
- Types of Nonverbal Communication
- Space, Place, and Time as Nonverbal Communication
- Improving Nonverbal Communication
- Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
- Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
- Conversing with Others
- Strengthening Personal Relationships
- Sharing Your Self with Others
- Expressing Emotions Appropriately
- Improving Interpersonal Relationships
- Balancing Interpersonal Tensions
- Resolving Interpersonal Conflict
- Managing Anger
- Developing Assertiveness
- Professional Relationships
- The Nature of Professional Relationships
- Professional Communication Challenges
- Workplace and Job Interviews
- The Challenge Of Working In Groups
- The Challenges of Working in Groups
- Balancing Task and Social Dimensions
- Developing Group Leadership
- Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
- Prerequisites for Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
- Effective Group Decision Making
- Effective Problem Solving
- Effective Group Meetings
- Planning Your Presentation
- The Speech Preparation Process
- Determine Your Purpose and Topic
- Analyze and Adapt to Your Audience
- Adapt to the Context
- Enhance Your Credibility
- Content and Organization
- Researching and Selecting Your Content
- Organizing Your Content
- Applying an Organizational Pattern
- Beginning Your Presentation
- Concluding Your Presentation
- Language and Delivery
- The CORE Language Styles
- Confident Delivery
- Modes of Delivery
- Vocal Delivery
- Physical Delivery
- Presentation Aids
- Strategies for Rehearsing a Presentation
- Speaking To Inform
- The Purpose of Informative Speaking
- Informative Communication Strategies
- Informative Speaking in Action
- Speaking To Persuade
- The Purpose of Persuasion
- Persuading Others
- Building Persuasive Arguments
- Persuasive Organizational Patterns
- Persuasive Speaking in Action