
Human Sexuality Today, 9th edition

  • Bruce M. King
  • , Pamela Regan

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Human Sexuality Today examines how human sexuality impacts our lives today. Authors Bruce King and Pamela Regan help you understand the key concepts of the discipline in order to make responsible decisions in your daily life. Employing a conversational writing style, the authors present relevant information in a warm manner that will leave you with positive feelings about sex and your own sexuality.

The 9th Edition has been updated to reflect the latest research and to cover contemporary topics such as paraphilias and the effects of pornography. Other fresh content includes new information on sexual disorders, hypersexuality and sex addiction, and updated coverage of gender identity disorder and gender incongruence.

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2019

ISBN-13: 9780137540549

Subject: Psychology

Category: Human Sexuality

1. Why a Course in Human Sexuality?
2. Our Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy
3. Hormones and Sexuality
4. Similarities and Differences in Our Sexual Responses
5. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexually Related Diseases
6. Birth Control
7. Pregnancy and Childbirth
8. Gender Identity and Gender Roles
9. Sexual Orientation
10. Life-Span Sexual Development
11. Adult Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes
12. Love and Relationships
13. Sexual Problems and Therapy
14. Paraphilias and Sexual Variants
15. Sexual Victimization. Rape, Coercion, Harassment, and Abuse of Children
16. Selling Sex. Social and Legal Issues