Teaching Today's Health, 10th edition
- David Anspaugh
- , Gene Ezell
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Teaching Today’s Health, Tenth Edition, balances comprehensive theory with a wealth of effective classroom activities to give students the tools they need to become successful health educators.
This book’s strong background and depth in teaching methods prepares the student for the challenges of today’s teaching environment.
- Meaningful content enhancements include expanded coverage of bullying and obesity, body systems, and substance abuse and a new Creativity in the Classroom feature and an Index of Strategies).
- Important currency updates include a significantly updated nutrition chapter with new MyPlate and 2010 Dietary Guidelines and more technology coverage.
- Helpful Companion Website include all Worksheets available in PDF form, for easy copying to hand out to students in class, and a new easy-to-reference Glossary.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2013
ISBN-13: 9780137518906
Subject: Health & Kinesiology
Category: Health
- The Need for Health Education
- The Role of the Teacher in Coordinated School Health Programs
- Planning for Health Instruction
- Strategies for Implementing Health Instruction
- Measurement and Evaluation of Health Education
- Mental Health and Stress Reduction
- Strategies for Teaching Mental Health and Stress Reduction
- Body Systems
- Personal Health
- Strategies for Teaching Body Systems and Personal Health
- Sexuality Education
- Strategies for Teaching Sexuality Education
- Substance Use and Abuse
- Strategies for Teaching About Substance Use and Abuse
- Infectious and Noninfectious Conditions
- Strategies for Teaching About Infectious and Noninfectious Conditions
- Nutrition
- Strategies for Teaching Nutrition
- Injuries: Accident and Violence Prevention
- Strategies for Teaching About Injuries: Accident and Violence Prevention
- Consumer Health
- Strategies for Teaching Consumer Health
- Aging, Dying, and Death
- Strategies for Teaching About Aging, Dying, and Death
- Environmental Health
- Strategies for Teaching Environmental Health