
Starting Out With Visual Basic, 8th edition

  • Tony Gaddis
  • , Kip R. Irvine

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Rich in concise, practical examples, Starting Out with Visual Basic covers the tools and features of Visual Basic and when and how to use them. The authors introduce the fundamentals of Visual Basic in clear, easy-to-understand language, making it accessible to novice programmers. You'll not only learn how to use the various controls, constructs, and features of Visual Basic, but also why and when to use them.

The 8th Edition includes updates for compatibility with Visual Studio 2017, a new section on the PrintDialog Control and coverage of the CType Method.

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2020

ISBN-13: 9780137506019

Subject: Programming - Introductory

Category: Additional Programming Languages

  1. Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
  2. Creating Applications with Visual Basic
  3. Variables and Calculations
  4. Making Decisions
  5. Lists and Loops
  6. Procedures and Functions
  7. Multiple Forms, Modules, and Menus
  8. Arrays and More
  9. Files, Printing, and Structure
  10. Working with Databases
  11. Developing Web Applications
  12. Classes, Collections, and Inheritance


  1. Advanced User Interface Controls and Techniques
  2. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  3. Converting Mathematical Expressions to Programming Statements
  4. Answers to Checkpoint