Java Software Solutions, 9th edition
- John Lewis
- , William Loftus
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For courses in Java programming
Empowers students to write useful, object-oriented programs
Java Software Solutions establishes a strong foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large real-world examples, the worldwide best-selling text emphasizes problem-solving and design skills and introduces students to the process of constructing high-quality software systems. The 9th Edition features a sweeping overhaul of Graphics Track coverage, to fully embrace the JavaFX API. This fresh approach enriches programmers’ understandings of core object-oriented principles. The text uses a natural progression of concepts, focusing on the use of objects before teaching how to write them—equipping students with the knowledge and skill they need to design true object-oriented solutions.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2018
ISBN-13: 9780137505234
Subject: Programming - Introductory
Category: Java
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- 1.1 Computer Processing
- 1.2 Hardware Components
- 1.3 Networks
- 1.4 The Java Programming Language
- 1.5 Programming Development
- 1.6 Object-Oriented Programming
- Data and Expressions
- 2.1 Character Strings
- 2.2 Variables and Assignment
- 2.3 Primitive Data Types
- 2.4 Expressions
- 2.5 Data Conversion
- Software Failure: NASA Mars Climate Orbiter and Polar Lander
- Using Classes and Objects
- 3.1 Creating Objects
- 3.2 The String Class
- 3.3 Packages
- 3.4 The Random Class
- 3.5 The Math Class
- 3.6 Formatting Output
- 3.7 Enumerated Types
- 3.8 Wrapper Classes
- 3.9 Introduction to JavaFX
- 3.10 Basic Shapes
- 3.11 Representing Colors
- Writing Classes
- 4.1 Classes and Objects Revisited
- 4.2 Anatomy of a Class
- 4.3 Encapsulation
- 4.4 Anatomy of a Method
- 4.5 Constructors Revisited
- 4.6 Arcs
- 4.7 Images
- 4.8 Graphical User Interfaces
- 4.9 Text Fields
- Software Failure: Denver Airport Baggage Handling System
- Conditionals and Loops
- 5.1 Boolean Expressions
- 5.2 The If Statement
- 5.3 Comparing Data
- 5.4 The While Statement
- 5.5 Iterators
- 5.6 The ArrayList Class
- 5.7 Determining Event Sources
- 5.8 Managing Fonts
- 5.9 Checkboxes
- 5.10 Radio Buttons
- Software Failure: Therac-25
- More Conditionals and Loops
- 6.1 The Switch Statement
- 6.2 The Conditional Operator
- 6.3 The Do Statement
- 6.4 The For Statement
- 6.5 Using Loops and Conditionals with Graphics
- 6.6 Graphic Transformations
- Object-Oriented Design
- 7.1 Software Development Activities
- 7.2 Identifying Classes and Objects
- 7.3. Static Class Members
- 7.4 Class Relationships
- 7.5 Interfaces
- 7.6 Enumerated Types Revisited
- 7.7 Method Design
- 7.8 Method Overloading
- 7.9 Testing
- 7.10 GUI Design
- 7.11 Key Events
- Software Failure: 2003 Northeast Blackout
- Arrays
- 8.1 Array Elements
- 8.2 Declaring and Using Arrays
- 8.3 Arrays of Objects
- 8.4 Command-Line Arguments
- 8.5 Variable Length Parameter Lists
- 8.6 Two-Dimensional Arrays
- 8.7 Polygons and Polylines
- 8.8 An Array of Color Objects
- 8.9 Choice Boxes
- Software Failure: LA Air Traffic Control
- Inheritance
- 9.1 Creating Subclasses
- 9.2 Overriding Methods
- 9.3 Class Hierarchies
- 9.4 Visibility
- 9.5 Designing for Inheritance
- 9.6 Inheritance in JavaFX
- 9.7 Color and Date Pickers
- 9.8 Dialog Boxes
- Software Failure: Ariane 5 Flight
- Polymorphism
- 10.1 Late Binding
- 10.2 Polymorphism via Inheritance
- 10.3 Polymorphism vis Interfaces
- 10.4 Sorting
- 10.5 Searching
- 10.6 Designing for Polymorphism
- 10.7 Properties
- 10.8 Sliders
- 10.9 Spinners
- Exceptions
- 11.1 Exception Handling
- 11.2 Uncaught Exceptions
- 11.3 The Try-Catch Statement
- 11.4 Exception Propagation
- 11.5 The Exception Class Hierarchy
- 11.6 I/O Exceptions
- 11.7 Tool Tips and Disabling Controls
- 11.8 Scroll Panes
- 11.9 Split Panes and List Views
- Recursion
- 12.1 Recursive Thinking
- 12.2 Recursive Programming
- 12.3 Using Recursion
- 12.4 Tiled Images
- 12.5 Fractals
- Collections
- 13.1 Collections and Data Structures
- 13.2 Dynamic Representations
- 13.3 Linear Collections
- 13.4 Non-Linear Data Structures
- 13.5 The Java Collections API