
Geography of North America, The: Environment, Culture, Economy, 2nd edition

  • Susan W. Hardwick
  • , Fred M. Shelley
  • , Don Holtgrieve

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North America’s physical, economic, and cultural environments are changing rapidly — from climate change and environmental hazards, to the ongoing global economic turmoil, to an expanding population, to the cultural phenomenon of online social networks like Facebook. The Geography of North America: Environment, Culture, Economy is an engaging approach to the geography of the U.S., Canada, and Greenland. While the material is structured around traditional concepts and themes, compelling modern examples illustrate key concepts, including popular culture, sports, music, and travel. The authors’ accessible approach promotes understanding of various regions of the continent as well as Hawai'i and Greenland.

The Second Edition strengthens the text’s three core themes of environment, culture, and economy with new data and updated chapter sections, revised feature box essays, and a new pedagogical structure consisting of learning outcomes, checkpoints, and discussion questions. Online media and quiz support are found on the book’s premium website at

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2013

ISBN-13: 9780137504824

Subject: Geography

Category: World & Regional Geography

Brief Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. North America’s Environmental Setting
  3. Historical Settlement of North America
  4. North American Political Economy
  5. The Atlantic Periphery
  6. Quebec
  7. Megalopolis
  8. The Great Lakes and Corn Belt
  9. The Inland South
  10. The Coastal South
  11. The Great Plains
  12. The Rocky Mountains
  13. Intermontane West
  14. MexAmerica
  15. California
  16. The Pacific Northwest
  17. Hawai’i and the Pacific Islands
  18. The Far North
  19. The Future of North America