The Curious Writer, Brief Edition doesn't read like a textbook or a set of guidelines for composing essays. Instead, it encourages you to suspend judgment, ask questions and seek answers. Essentially, it provides you with the tools you'll need to think like an academic writer. Covering genres beyond the academic essay, the text strives to engage you with a "personality" lacking in similar resources. Encouraged to act on your own curiosities, you'll develop the habits necessary to become a critical thinker and a skilled writer.
The 5th Edition reinforces the assumption that genres are malleable with a new chapter on repurposing or “re-genre-ing.” New projects include transforming a completed writing assignment into a multimedia project with guidance on scripting a podcast, a video PSA and more.
Published by Pearson (July 23rd 2021) - Copyright © 2017
ISBN-13: 9780137503582
Subject: Composition
Category: Rhetorics