Programs viii
Preface xi
Chapter 1: Elements of Programming 1
1.1 Your First Program 2
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 14
1.3 Conditionals and Loops 50
1.4 Arrays 90
1.5 Input and Output 126
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer 170
Chapter 2: Functions and Modules 191
2.1 Defining Functions 192
2.2 Libraries and Clients 226
2.3 Recursion 262
2.4 Case Study: Percolation 300
Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming 329
3.1 Using Data Types 330
3.2 Creating Data Types 382
3.3 Designing Data Types 428
3.4 Case Study: N-Body Simulation 478
Chapter 4: Algorithms and Data Structures 493
4.1 Performance 494
4.2 Sorting and Searching 532
4.3 Stacks and Queues 566
4.4 Symbol Tables 624
4.5 Case Study: Small-World Phenomenon 670
Context 715
Glossary 721
Index 729
APIs 751