Introduction to C++ Programming and Data Structures, 5th edition
- Y Daniel Liang
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Introduction to C++ Programming and Data Structures introduces basic programming concepts and logic using a fundamentals-first approach. Concepts and techniques, including control statements, loops, functions and arrays, are covered before object-oriented and data structure topics. The step-by step presentation helps you build on your knowledge. A large variety of examples and problems supply interesting, fun context for learning concepts. Examples drawn from math, science, business, finance, gaming, animation and multimedia bring concepts to life and make the material more relatable. As you progress through the text, you will learn how to create efficient, elegant code to solve programming problems
The 2nd Edition has up-to-date content that reflects recent programming trends like cloud storage and touchscreens. All code is compatible with C++17.
Published by Pearson (October 21st 2021) - Copyright © 2022
ISBN-13: 9780137454181
Subject: Programming - Introductory
Category: C++
Part I: Fundamentals of Programming
1. Introduction to Computers, Programming, and C++
2. Elementary Programming
3. Selections
4. Mathematical Functions, Characters, and Strings
5. Loops
6. Functions
7. Single-Dimensional Arrays and C-Strings
8. Multidimensional Arrays
Part II: Object-Oriented Programming
9. Objects and Classes
10. Object-Oriented Thinking
11. Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management
12. Templates, Vectors, and Stacks
13. File Input and Output
14. Operator Overloading
15. Inheritance and Polymorphism
16. Exception Handling
Part III: Data Structures and Advanced Topics
17. Recursion
18. Developing Efficient Algorithms
19. Sorting
20. Linked Lists, Queues, and Priority Queues
21. Binary Search Trees
22. STL Containers
23. STL Algorithms
24. Hashing
25. AVL Trees
26. Graph Applications
27. Weighted Graph Applications
Appendix A: C++ Keywords
Appendix B: The ASCII Character Set
Appendix C: Operator Precedence Chart
Appendix D: Number Systems
Appendix E: Bitwise Operations
Appendix F: Using Command-Line Arguments
Appendix G: Enumerated Types
Appendix H: Regular Expressions
Appendix I: The Big-O, Big-Omega, and Big-Theta Notations