Becker's World of the Cell, 10th edition
- Jeff Hardin
- , James P. Lodolce
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Becker's World of the Cell provides a beautifully illustrated, up-to-date introduction to cell biology concepts, processes and applications. Known for its strong biochemistry coverage and clear, easy-to-follow explanations and figures, the text features accessible and authoritative descriptions of all major principles. The text also provides unique scientific insights into visualization and applications of cell and molecular biology.
With the 10th Edition, the authors guide you to make connections throughout cell biology and provide questions that encourage practice interpreting and analyzing data.
Published by Pearson (June 25th 2021) - Copyright © 2022
ISBN-13: 9780137441778
Subject: Biology
Category: Cell Biology
- A Preview of Cell Biology
- The Chemistry of the Cell
- The Macromolecules of the Cell
- Cells and Organelles
- Bioenergetics: The Flow of Energy in the Cell
- Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life
- Membranes: Their Structure, Function, and Chemistry
- Transport Across Membranes: Overcoming the Permeability Barrier
- Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism: Glycolysis and Fermentation
- Chemotrophic Energy Metabolism: Aerobic Respiration
- Phototrophic Energy Metabolism: Photosynthesis
- The Endomembrane System
- Cytoskeletal Systems
- Cellular Movement: Motility and Contractility
- Beyond the Cell: Cell Adhesions, Cell Junctions, and Extracellular Structures
- The Structural Basis of Cellular Information: DNA, Chromosomes, and the Nucleus?
- DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination
- Gene Expression I: The Genetic Code and Transcription
- Gene Expression II: Protein Synthesis and Sorting
- The Regulation of Gene Expression
- Molecular Biology Techniques for Cell Biology
- Signal Transduction Mechanisms I: Electrical and Synaptic Signaling in Neurons
- Signal Transduction Mechanisms II: Messengers and Receptors
- The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
- Sexual Reproduction, Meiosis, and Genetic Recombination
- Cancer Cells
- Visualizing Cells and Molecules
Key Techniques
- Chapter 1: Using Immunofluorescence to Identify Specific Cell Components
- Chapter 2: Determining the Chemical Fingerprint of a Cell Using Mass Spectrometry
- Chapter 3: Using X-ray Crystallography to Determine Protein Structure
- Chapter 4: Using Centrifugation to Isolate Organelles
- Chapter 5: Measuring How Molecules Bind One Another Using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
- Chapter 6: Determining Km and Vmax Using Enzyme Assays
- Chapter 7: SDS—Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS—PAGE) of Membrane Proteins
- Chapter 8: Expression of Heterologous Membrane Proteins in Frog Oocytes
- Chapter 9: Using Isotopic Labeling to Determine the Fate of Atoms in a Metabolic Pathway
- Chapter 10: Visualizing Cellular Structures with Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy
- Chapter 11: Determining Absorption and Action Spectra via Spectrophotometry
- Chapter 12: Visualizing Vesicles at the Cell Surface Using Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRF)
- Chapter 13: Studying the Dynamic Cytoskeleton
- Chapter 14: Watching Motors Too Small to See
- Chapter 15: Building an ECM from Scratch
- Chapter 16: FISHing for Specific Sequences
- Chapter 17: The Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Chapter 18: Hunting for DNA-Protein Interactions
- Chapter 19: Protein Localization Using Fluorescent Fusion Proteins
- Chapter 20: Gene Knockdown via RNAi
- Chapter 21: DNA Cloning
- Chapter 22: Patch Clamping
- Chapter 23: Calcium Indicators and Ionophores
- Chapter 24: Measuring Cells Millions at a Time (FACS -Analysis)
- Chapter 25: Using Mendel's Rules to Predict Human Disease
- Chapter 26: "Rational" Drugs in the Fight Against Cancer
Human Connections
- Chapter 1: The Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks (The origin of the first human cultured cell line)
- Chapter 2: Taking a Deeper Look -- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (How an MRI can image human tissues)
- Chapter 3: Aggregated Proteins and Alzheimer Disease (Protein misfolding and human disease)
- Chapter 4: When Cellular "Breakdown" Breaks Down (Diseases caused by lysosome dysfunction)
- Chapter 5: The "Potential" of Food to Provide Energy (Calorie contents of foods)
- Chapter 6: ACE Inhibitors: Enzyme Activity as the Difference Between Life and Death (Blood pressure medication based on snake venom)
- Chapter 8: Membrane Transport, Cystic Fibrosis, and the Prospects for Gene Therapy
- Chapter 9: What Happens to the Sugar? (Dietary food intake and metabolism)
- Chapter 10: A Diet Worth Dying For? (The dangers of using uncouplers such as DNP to lose weight)
- Chapter 11: How Do Plants Put on Sunscreen? (How the plant xanthophyll cycle dissipates excess solar energy)
- Chapter 12: It's All in the Family (LDL receptors, cholesterol uptake, hypercholesterolemia)
- Chapter 13: When Actin Kills (Listeria infection and actin polymerization)
- Chapter 14: Dyneins Help Us Tell Left from Right (Motors and left-right axis specification)
- Chapter 15: The Costly Effects of Weak Adhesion (Blistering diseases of the skin)
- Chapter 16: Lamins and Premature Aging (Progeria and the nuclear envelope)
- Chapter 17: Children of the Moon (Xeroderma pigmentosum and DNA repair)
- Chapter 19: To Catch a Killer: The Problem of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
- Chapter 20: The Epigenome: Methylation and Disease (Rett syndrome and imprinting disorders)
- Chapter 21: More Than Your Fingertips: Identifying Genetic "Fingerprints" (STRs in genetic identification)
- Chapter 22: In the Search for the Fountain of Youth, Are People Paying for Poison? (Cosmetic uses of Botulinum toxin)
- Chapter 23: How to Prevent a Heart Attack (Nitric oxide -signaling and vasoconstriction)
- Chapter 24: What do Ethnobotany and Cancer Have in Common? (Taxol and cancer treatment)
- Chapter 25: When Meiosis Goes Awry (Down syndrome and nondisjunction)
- Chapter 26: Molecular Sleuthing in Cancer Diagnosis (Molecular analysis of breast cancer)