
Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective, 8th edition

  • Dale H. Schunk

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Learning Theories introduces you to key theoretical principles, concepts, and research findings of learning and how to apply them as educators. It examines the relationship between theory and instruction, looks at the neuroscience of learning, and discusses the major theories of and key topics related to learning. A final chapter helps you to consolidate your views on the subject.

The 8th Edition has been significantly updated with a number of new features and the most current thinking and research.

Published by Pearson (July 23rd 2021) - Copyright © 2020

ISBN-13: 9780137413294

Subject: Educational Psychology

Category: Learning Cognition & Instruction

1. Introduction to the Study of Learning
2. Neuroscience of Learning
3. Behaviorism
4. Social Cognitive Theory
5. Information Processing Theory: Encoding and Storage
6. Information Processing Theory: Retrieval and Forgetting
7. Cognitive Learning Processes
8. Constructivism
9. Motivation
10. Self-Regulated Learning
11. Contextual Influences
12. Next Steps