Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation, 7th edition
- Ronald L. Schow
- , Michael A. Nerbonne
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Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation presents a thorough introduction to aural rehabilitation across the lifespan. The text provides a cohesive introduction to the basics of audiologic rehabilitation in an easy-to-read style.
Highly regarded as experts in the field, the authors introduce the fundamentals, present the important methods and procedures, and include two case study chapters that address the rehabilitation needs of both children and adults. Based on a proven model framed within the concepts of the World Health Organization, this text will help you prepare to provide high-quality, state-of-the-art services to clients of any age.
The 7th Edition features an enhanced focus on cochlear implants in Chapter 3 and revised discussions of vestibular and tinnitus treatments. New chapter learning outcomes, supplementary learning activities, references and recommended websites help you learn concepts easily and effectively.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2018
ISBN-13: 9780137411955
Subject: Communication Sciences & Disorders
Category: Aural Rehabilitation
1 Overview of Audiologic Rehabilitation
Ronald L. Schow,
Michael A. Nerbonne Chris A. Sanford
Definitions and Synonyms
Providers of Audiologic Rehabilitation 4 Education Needs of Providers
Hearing Loss Characteristics
Degree of Hearing Loss and Configuration 5 Time of Onset
Type of Loss
Auditory Speech Recognition Ability
Consequences of Hearing Loss: Primary and Secondary
Communication Difficulties 11 Variable Hearing Disorder/Disability
Rehabilitative Alternatives
Historical Background
Contemporary Issues
Current Status
Procedures in Audiologic Rehabilitation: An AR Model-;CORE and CARE
Rehabilitation Assessment Procedures
Management Procedures
Settings for Audiologic Rehabilitation
Elderly Adults
Summary and Summary Points
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Websites
2 Hearing Aids and Hearing Assistive Technologies
Holly Kaplan
Alice E. Holmes
History of Amplification
Hearing Aid Components
PART ONE: Fundamentals of Audiologic Rehabilitation
Amplifier (Digital Processor)
Hearing Aid Styles
In-the-Ear/In-the-Canal/Completely-in-the-Canal 39 Extended-Wear Hearing Aids
The Earmold
Who Is a Hearing Aid Candidate?
Degree of Hearing Loss
Degree of Communication Disability 42 Motivation to Use Amplification
Hearing Aid Fitting Protocol
Quality Control
Hearing Aid Orientation
Verification/Validation/Outcome Measures
Pediatric Fittings
Special Fittings
Contralateral Routing of the Signal (CROS) Fittings
Bone-Conduction Hearing Aids
Bone-Anchored Devices
Middle Ear Implantable Hearing Aids
Cochlear and Brainstem Implants
Hearing Assistive Technology, or When a Hearing Aid May Not Be Enough
Types of Assistive Devices
The Role of the Audiologist in Assistive Listening/Hearing Assistive Technology Systems
Verifying and Validating the Fitting of HATS
The Bottom Line: Cost Management and Payment for Hearing Aids and Hats
Concluding Remarks
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Websites
3 Cochlear Implants
Alice E. Holmes
How Does a Cochlear Implant Work?
History of Cochlear Implants
The Cochlear Implant Team
Who Is a Candidate?
Deaf Culture and Cochlear Implants
Treatment Plans for Cochlear Implant Recipients
Variables Affecting Performance
Bilateral Hearing with Cochlear Implants
Auditory Brain Stem Implant
Electroacoustic Stimulation
Summary Points
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Websites
4 Auditory Stimulation in Communication
Michael A. Nerbonne
Ronald L. Schow Kristina M. Blaiser
A Communication Model 94 Auditory Perception
Development of Auditory Skills 95 Basic Perception Abilities
Acoustics of Speech
Speech Perception and Comprehension
Perception and Hearing Loss
The Auditory Training Process
Definition and Application of Auditory Training
Early Efforts in Auditory Training
Current Approaches to Auditory Training
Candidacy for Auditory Training
Assessment of Auditory Skills
Methods of Auditory Training
Summary Points
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Websites
5 Visual Stimuli in Communication
Nicholas M. Hipskind
Factors Related to Speechreading
Signal and Code
Speechreading and Hearing Loss
Assessment of Speechreading Ability
Visual Assessment and Speechreading Evaluation
Hearing Loss and Dependence on Vision
Traditional Speechreading Methods
Recent Trends in Speechreading Instruction
Manual Communication
Types of Manual Communication
Summary Points
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading
Language and Speech of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Kristina M. Blaiser Gabriel A. Bargen
Communication Options for Families of Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Systems Emphasizing Listening and Spoken Language
Manual--Visual Systems
Systems Combining Visual and Auditory Information
Hearing as the Foundation for Speech and Language
Factors Affecting Speech and Language Acquisition
Language Characteristics of Children with Hearing Loss
Impact of Hearing Loss on Language Components
Language Assessment
Formal Language Measures
Language Sample and Narrative Analysis
Speech Development in Children with Hearing Loss
Speech Characteristics
Speech Assessment
Summary and Summary Points
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Websites
Psychosocial Aspects of Hearing Loss and Counseling Basics
Kris English
Psychosocial Aspects of Hearing Loss
Growing Up with Hearing Loss
Acquiring Hearing Loss as Adults
Being Deaf
Deafness with a Capital “D”
“Knowing Is Not Enough”: Counseling Basics
Important Distinctions
What We May Think Counseling Is
What Counselors Say Counseling Is
The Counseling Process
When to Refer
Does Counseling Make a Difference?
Concluding Remarks
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading
Audiologic Counseling
Psychology of Deafness
Deaf Culture
Recommended Websites
Audiologic Rehabilitation Services in the School Setting
Kris English
Why AR Services Are Required in School Settings: The Educational Consequences of Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss and Learning
Mandated by Law
Key Components of IDEA
Least Restrictive Environment
The Individualized Education Plan
Types of Communication Modalities
AR Services Provided in Schools
Screening and Assessment
Management of Amplification/Audition
Direct Instruction and Indirect Consultation
Evaluation and Modification of Classroom Acoustics
Transition Planning to Postsecondary Placements
How Services Are Provided
AR Service Providers in School Settings
Speech-Language Pathologists
Related Support Personnel
Services for Children with Auditory Processing Problems
Diagnosis/Assessment of APD
Remediation of APD
“A Day in the Life” of an Educational Audiologist
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading
Recommended Resources
9 Audiologic Rehabilitation for Children
Mary Pat Moeller
Ronald L. Schow Mary M. Whitaker
Prevalence of Loss and Level of Service
Contemporary Efforts to Strengthen the Evidence Base in Audiologic Rehabilitation
PART TWO: Comprehensive Approaches to Audiologic Rehabilitation
xiv Contents
Terms and Definitions
Profile of the Client
Hearing Loss
Other Disabling Conditions
Rehabilitation Settings and Providers
Identification and Assessment Procedures with Children
Early Identification
School Screening
Medical and Audiologic Assessment
Aspects of AR: Early Intervention for Parent--Infant and Preschool
Rehabilitation Assessment: IFSP
Aspects of AR: School Years
Rehabilitation Assessment: Individualized Education Plan
Concluding Remarks
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Websites
Audiologic Rehabilitation across the Adult Life Span: Assessment and Management
M. Kathleen Pichora-Fuller Ronald L. Schow
Profile of the Adult Client
Hearing Loss across the Life Span
Help Seeking and Screening
Profile of the Older Adult Client
Auditory Aging
Physical, Psychological, and Social Aspects of Adult Aging
Personal and Environmental Factors
Retirement, Leisure, and Economic Status
Living Environments
Model for Rehabilitation
CORE Assessment
CARE Management
Feedback Based on Outcome Measures
Importance of the Conceptual Framework to AR Practice
Rehabilitation Settings
Research and Teaching Settings: Universities
Military and Veterans Administration Medical Centers
Community Centers, Agencies, and Consumer Groups
Hospitals, Medical Offices, Private Practice Audiologists, and Hearing Instrument Specialists
Rehabilitation Assessment
Assessing Hearing Loss and Consideration of Comorbid Health Conditions
Assessing Activity and Participation and Considerations of Social Factors
CORE Assessment Summary
Rehabilitation Management
Counseling and Psychosocial Considerations with a Health-Promoting Approach
Amplification and Instrumental Interventions to Achieve Audibility
Remediation for Communication Activities
Environmental Interventions to Improve Participation
Other Important Issues in the Scope of AR Practice
Vestibular Assessment and Management
Tinnitus Assessment and Management
Summary and Summary Points
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Websites
World Health Organization (WHO) Resources
Consumer Associations and Resources for the Public
Websites about AR Tools
Appendix A to G
PART THREE: Implementing Audiologic Rehabilitation: Case Studies
11 Case Studies: Children
Mary Pat Moeller
Catherine Cronin Carotta
Case 1: Matthew-;Early Intervention, Multiple Disabilities
Background Information
Intervention Plan
Environmental Coordination and Participation
Assessment: Postimplantation
Psychosocial and Counseling Aspects
Assessment and Intervention Postdiagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Communication Rehabilitation Adjustment
Case 2: Annie-;Routes to Spoken Language Following Cochlear Implantation
Background Information
Aural Rehabilitation Plan: Preimplantation
Aural Rehabilitation Plan: Postimplantation
Intervention Outcomes
Case 3: Amber-;Issues Affecting Educational Placement
Background Information
Assessment Findings
Recommendations for Management
Follow-Up Assessment
Case 4: Greg-;Late Identification of a Child Who Is Hard of Hearing
Background Information
Communication Assessment
Intervention Outcomes
Case 5: Sam-;Differential Diagnosis through Professional Teamwork: A Tool for Solving Complex Intervention Problems
Chapter Summary and Summary Points
Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Website
References and Recommended Reading
12 Case Studies: Adults and Elderly Adults
Michael A. Nerbonne
Jeff E. Brockett Alice E. Holmes
Case 1: Dr. M.-;Progressive Hearing Loss
Case History
AR Assessment
Case 2: Mr. B.-;Hearing Loss, Depression, and Successful Hearing Aid Use
Informational Counseling
Rehabilitation Assessment
Rehabilitation Management
Case 3: J.D.-;AR Featuring a Significant Other
Informational Counseling
Rehabilitation Assessment
Rehabilitation Management
Case 4: Mrs. R.:-;Cochlear Implant User
First Evaluation
Rehabilitation Assessment
Second Rehabilitation Assessment
Post--Cochlear Implant Rehabilitation Management
Case 5: Mrs. E.-;Nursing Home Hearing Aid User
Case History
Diagnostic Information
Case 6: Ashley-;New Technology for an Experienced User
Informational Counseling
Rehabilitation Assessment
Rehabilitation Management
Case 7: Ms. C.-;Dizziness Issues
Rehabilitation Assessment
Informational Counseling
Rehabilitation Management
Chapter Summary Points 455 Supplementary Learning Activities
Recommended Reading and Recommended Website
Author Index
Subject Index