
Introduction to Human Services, An: Policy and Practice, 9th edition

  • Barbara R. Schram
  • , Betty Reid Mandell
  • , Paul Dann
  • , Lynn Peterson

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An Introduction to Human Services shows you how history, politics and the economy shape social welfare programs and policies. It puts the field of human services into a historical context, provides insights into the social welfare field, and gives concrete examples of how primary intervention strategies are put into daily practice in human service agencies. The text presents the many career options offered in the field of human services and discusses the stresses that you may face in day-to-day work, with practical tips for avoiding burnout.

The 9th Edition helps you keep pace with the current state of the field and its ever-changing rules and regulations. State-of-the-art coverage, with updated topics and references throughout, includes an expanded chapter on diversity, with updated discussions of immigration and working with LGBTQ clients (Ch. 7), an expanded chapter on social welfare programs and policies (Ch. 6) and an increased focus on practical applications.

Published by Pearson (September 18th 2020) - Copyright © 2021

ISBN-13: 9780136943211

Subject: Social Work & Human Services

Category: Introduction to Human Services

1. What Are Human Services? What Do Human Service Workers Do?
2. The Changing Nature of the Helping Process
3. Strategies, Activities, and Tasks of Human Service Work
4. Attitudes/Values, Skills, and Knowledge of the Human Service Worker
5. Values and Ethical Dilemmas
6. Social Welfare Programs and Policies


7. Working with Diversity
8. Interviewing
9. Direct Strategies: Working With People One-on-One
10. Working With Groups
11. Planning a Human Service Program
12. Indirect Strategies: Organizing for Change

13. Understanding Legal Issues
14. Staying Current and Avoiding Burnout