Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 16th edition
- David M. Kroenke
- , David J. Auer
- , Scott L. Vandenberg
- , Robert C. Yoder
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Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation provides you with a thorough, modern look at database processing fundamentals. You'll get hands-on with database design, building your skills in 3 ways: integrating data from spreadsheets, files, and extracts; developing IS projects; and redesigning a database to adapt to new requirements. Comprehensive, yet efficient, the text is designed to get you straight to the point.
The 16th Edition refines the organization and content of this classic textbook to reflect a new teaching and professional workplace environment. It also addresses the latest software and expands upon new and emerging developments in the database processing field.
Published by Pearson (June 30th 2021) - Copyright © 2022
ISBN-13: 9780136931577
Subject: Management Information Systems
Category: Database Management
PART 1: Getting Started
- Introduction
- Introduction to Structured Query Language
PART 2: Database Design
- The Relational Model and Normalization
- Database Design Using Normalization
- Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model Transforming Data Models into Database Designs
- Transforming Data Models into Database Designs
PART 3: Database Implementation
- SQL for Database Construction and Application Processing Database Redesign
- Database Redesign
PART 4: Enterprise Database Processing
- Managing Enterprise Databases
- Managing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2019, Oracle Database, MySQL 8.0, andArangoDB
- Online 10A. Managing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2019
- Online 10B. Managing Databases with Oracle Database
- Online 10C. Managing Databases with MySQL 8.0
- Online 10D. Managing Document Databases with ArangoDB
PART 5: Database Access Standards and Technology
- The Web Server Environment
- Data Warehouses, Business Intelligence Systems
- Big Data, NoSQL, and the Cloud
- Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2019
- Getting Started with Systems Analysis and Design
- E-R Diagrams and the IDEF1X and UML Standards
- Getting Started with Microsoft Visio 2019
- Getting Started with the MySQL Workbench Data Modeling Tools
- Physical Database Design and Data Structures for Database Processing
- Getting Started with Web Servers, PHP, and the NetBeans IDE