Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphical, and Trigonometric Problem Solving, 6th edition
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Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphical, and Trigonometric Problem Solving gives you the math you encountered in high school or in previous courses, but in a new and meaningful way. An activity-based approach helps you achieve a higher level of conceptual learning, while developing a solid foundation of mathematical skills. The Mathematics in Action series is based on the authors' belief that students learn mathematics best by doing the math within a realistic context. From this perspective, they offer guided-discovery activities that help you to construct, reflect upon and apply mathematical concepts, deepening your conceptual understanding along the way. This active style of learning develops critical-thinking skills and mathematical literacy. The 6th Edition includes updated examples and activities for maximum interest and relevance.
Published by Pearson (July 15th 2020) - Copyright © 2020
ISBN-13: 9780136880745
Subject: Developmental Math
Category: Intermediate Algebra
Below is an Activity-level Table of Contents for this title.
- Chapter 1. Function Sense
- Cluster 1: Modeling with Functions
- Activity 1.1 Parking Problems: Functions; Function Notation and Terminology
- Activity 1.2 Fill ‘er Up: Defining Functions by a Symbolic Rule (Equation)
- Activity 1.3 Graphically Speaking: Defining Functions: A Summary
- Activity 1.4 Stopping Short: Functions as Mathematical Models
- Activity 1.5 Graphs Tell Stories: Graphs of Functions as Mathematical Models
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Cluster 2: Linear Functions
- Activity 1.6 Walking for Fitness: Average Rate of Change
- Activity 1.7 Depreciation: Slope-Intercept Form of an Equation of a Line
- Activity 1.8 A New Camera: Point-Slope Form of an Equation of a Line
- Activity 1.9 Skateboard Heaven: General Form of an Equation of a Line
- Activity 1.10 College Tuition: Modeling Data with Linear Regression Equations
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Cluster 3: Systems of Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Absolute Value Functions
- Activity 1.11 Moving Out: Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Activity 1.12 Fireworks: Solving Systems of Linear Equations using Algebraic Methods
- Activity 1.13 Manufacturing Pewter Oil Lamps: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables
- Activity 1.14 Earth Week: Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Linear Equations
- Activity 1.15 How Long Can You Live? Linear Inequalities; Compound Inequalities
- Activity 1.16 Working Overtime: Piecewise Linear Functions
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Chapter 1 Summary
- Chapter 1 Gateway Review
- Cluster 1: Modeling with Functions
- Chapter 2. The Algebra of Functions
- Cluster 1: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Polynomial Functions
- Activity 2.1 Spending and Earning Money: Polynomial Functions
- Activity 2.2 The Dormitory Parking Lot: Multiplication of Polynomials; Multiplicative Properties of Exponents
- Activity 2.3 Stargazing: Scientific Notation; Additional Properties and Definitions of Exponents
- Activity 2.4 The Cube of a Square: Rational Exponents and nth Roots
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Cluster 2: Composition and Inverses of Functions
- Activity 2.5 Inflated Balloons: Composite Functions
- Activity 2.6 Finding a Bargain: Problem Solving and Using Composite Functions
- Activity 2.7 Study Time: Inverse Functions
- Activity 2.8 Temperature Conversions: Equations and Graphs of Inverse Functions
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Chapter 2 Summary
- Chapter 2 Gateway Review
- Cluster 1: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Polynomial Functions
- Chapter 3. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Cluster 1: Exponential Functions
- Activity 3.1 Prince George and Dracula: Increasing Exponential Functions
- Activity 3.2 Half-Life of Drugs or Medication: Decreasing Exponential Functions
- Activity 3.3 Spotify: More Growth and Decay Factors
- Activity 3.4 Population Growth: Growth and Decay Rates; More Graphing
- Activity 3.5 Time is Money: Compound Interest and Continuous Compounding
- Activity 3.6 Continuous Growth and Decay: Problem Solving with Continuous Growth and Decay Models
- Activity 3.7 Ebola: Modeling Data with Exponential Regression Equations
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Cluster 2: Logarithmic Functions
- Activity 3.8 The Diameter of Spheres: Logarithmic and Exponential Forms
- Activity 3.9 Walking Speed of Pedestrians: Logarithmic Functions
- Activity 3.10 Walking Speed of Pedestrians, continued: Modeling Data with Logarithmic Regression Equations
- Activity 3.11 The Elastic Ball: Properties of Logarithms
- Activity 3.12 Changing Demographics: Solving Exponential Equations
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Chapter 3 Summary
- Chapter 3 Gateway Review
- Cluster 1: Exponential Functions
- Chapter 4. Quadratic and Higher-Order Polynomial Functions
- Cluster 1: Introduction to Quadratic Functions
- Activity 4.1 Baseball and the Willis Tower: Equations Defining Quadratic Functions
- Activity 4.2 The Shot Put: Properties of Graphs of Quadratic Functions
- Activity 4.3 Spotify: Solving Quadratic Equations Numerically and Graphically
- Activity 4.4 Sir Isaac Newton: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
- Activity 4.5 Drones: Solving Quadratic Equations Using the Quadratic Formula
- Activity 4.6 Heat Index: Modeling Data with Quadratic Regression Equations
- Activity 4.7 Complex Numbers
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Cluster 2: Curve Fitting and Higher-Order Polynomial Functions
- Activity 4.8 The Power of Power Functions: Direct Variation Functions and Their Graphs
- Activity 4.9 Volume of a Storage Tank: Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs
- Activity 4.10 Federal Prison Population: Modeling Data with Polynomial Regression Equations
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Chapter 4 Summary
- Chapter 4 Gateway Review
- Cluster 1: Introduction to Quadratic Functions
- Chapter 5. Rational and Radical Functions
- Cluster 1: Rational Functions
- Activity 5.1 Speed Limits: Properties and Graphs of Functions Defined by y = k/x, k≠0
- Activity 5.2 Loudness of a Sound: Inverse Variation Functions
- Activity 5.3 Percent Markup: Rational Functions and Their Graphs
- Activity 5.4 Blood-Alcohol Levels: Solving Rational Equations
- Activity 5.5 Traffic Flow: Solving Rational Equations Using Algebraic Methods
- Activity 5.6 Electrical Circuits: Operations of Rational Expressions
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Cluster 2: Radical Functions
- Activity 5.7 Skydiving: Radical Functions and Their Graphs
- Activity 5.8 Falling Objects: Solving Equations Involving a Radical Expression
- Activity 5.9 Propane Tank: More Radical Functions and Their Graphs
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Chapter 5 Summary
- Chapter 5 Gateway Review
- Cluster 1: Rational Functions
- Chapter 6. Introduction to Trigonometric Functions
- Cluster 1: Introducing the Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
- Activity 6.1 The Leaning Tower of Pisa: Sine, Cosine, and Tangent of an Angle in a Right Triangle
- Activity 6.2 A Gasoline Problem: Cofunctions of Complementary Angles
- Activity 6.3 The Sidewalks of New York: Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
- Activity 6.4 Solving a Murder: Trigonometric Problem-Solving Strategy
- Project Activity 6.5 How Stable is that Tower: Problem Solving Using Right Triangle Trigonometry
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Cluster 2: Why Are the Trigonometric Functions Called Circular Functions?
- Activity 6.6 Learn Trig or Crash! Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
- Activity 6.7 It Won’t Hertz: Radians, Frequency, and Periodic Behavior
- Activity 6.8 Get in Shape: Amplitude and Period of the Sine and Cosine Functions
- Activity 6.9 The Carousel: Horizontal Shifts of the Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
- Activity 6.10 Texas Temperatures: Modeling Data with a Sine Regression Equation
- What Have I Learned?
- How Can I Practice?
- Chapter 6 Summary
- Chapter 6 Gateway Review
- Cluster 1: Introducing the Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
- Concept Review
- Trigonometry
- Getting Started with the TI-84 Plus Family of Calculators
- Conics (Online in MyLab Math only)