Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society, 11th edition
- Donna M. Gollnick
- , Philip C. Chinn
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The eTextbook for Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society by Gollnick and Chinn gives you an up-to-date, unbiased look at today's many different cultural groups and the importance of building on students' cultures and experiences to help them achieve optimal learning. It explores the most current issues related to race, diversity and equity in society and shows you how those issues are reflected in schools and how they impact students.
The 11th Edition is revised throughout, with new issues in the chapter features, recent events and research that impact the topics addressed. It also updates all tables, figures and references to reflect the latest data and thinking. Key features:
- New Revisiting the Case Study: Reflect and Apply features bring you back to the chapter-opening case study, with the knowledge and strategies you’ve gleaned from the chapter.
- New Explore and Focus Your Cultural Lens features present contemporary and controversial school issues and include for and against statements to consider.
- Updated Foundations of Multicultural Education features include a new section on hate that addresses hate groups and their rising visibility in the United States.
- Updated Race and Ethnicity features expand discussion of indigenous groups in the U.S. to include Alaska Natives, American Indians and Native Hawaiians.
- Updated Class and Socioeconomic Status includes a new section providing a historical context for the economic inequalities in the U.S.
- Updated Gender coverage includes an expanded discussion of gender identity that describes the gender fluidity that exists today. Several more chapter updates are included.
This revision continues to encourage you to routinely use self-reflection to become a more effective teacher that will provide equity for all students.
Published by Pearson (July 15th 2020) - Copyright © 2021
ISBN-13: 9780136874737
Subject: Foundations of Education
Category: Multicultural Education
- Foundations of Multicultural Education
- Race and Ethnicity
- Class and Socioeconomic Status
- Gender
- Sexual Orientation
- Exceptionality
- Language
- Religion
- Geography
- The Youth Culture
- Education That Is Multicultural