Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2019 Introductory, 1st edition
- Margo Chaney Adkins
- , Stephanie Murre-Wolf
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Trusted for over 15 years, Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 365, 2019 Edition, Introductory, will teach you software the way most students prefer to learn it, by seeing and doing, rather than just reading blocks of text. Visual 2-page spreads present each skill with step-by-step instructions, and real-world projects will help you build critical-thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills, while preparing you for MOS objectives.
With the 2019 Edition's new Skills 1-10 Instructional Grader projects, you'll read the book as you complete projects in tandem. The text also offers new Mac OS® tips and best practices to optimize your learning experience and ensure that you can apply your new skills effectively.
Published by Pearson (September 18th 2020) - Copyright © 2020
ISBN-13: 9780136874355
Subject: Computer Concepts & Applications
- Getting Started with Computer Concepts
- Common Features of Windows and Office
- Browse the Internet
Microsoft Word
- Introduction to Word
- Create Letters and Memos
- Create Business Reports
- Create Flyers
- Create Newsletters and Mail Merge Documents
- Capstone Project
- Integrated Project 1: Format Academic Reports and Include Information from the Web
- Integrated Project 2: Use Excel Data in Word Mail Merge
- Office Online Project: Create Flyers Using Word Online
Microsoft Excel
- Introduction to Excel
- Create Workbooks with Excel 2019
- Insert Summary Functions and Create Charts
- Manage Multiple Worksheets
- More Functions and Excel Tables
- Text, Statistical, Logical, and Conditional Functions
- Capstone Project
- Integrated Project 3: Copy Word Tables into Excel Worksheets
- Integrated Project 4: Link Data from Excel
- Integrated Project 5: Refer to Cells in Other Workbooks
- Excel Online Project: Create Workbooks Using Excel Online
Microsoft Access
- Introduction to Access
- Create Database Tables
- Create Select Queries
- Create Forms
- Create Reports
- Capstone Project
- Integrated Project 6: Create Envelopes from Access Queries
- Integrated Project 7: Export Access Data to Word Documents
- Access Office Online Project: Create OneNote Notebooks
Microsoft PowerPoint
- Introduction to PowerPoint
- Getting Started with PowerPoint 2019
- Format a Presentation
- Enhance a Presentation with Graphics
- Present Data Using Tables, Charts, and Animation
- Capstone Project
- Integrated Project 8: Copy and Paste between Office Programs
- Integrated Project 9: Send PowerPoint Handouts to Word
- PowerPoint Online Project: Create Presentations Using PowerPoint Online App