Conceptual Physical Science, 6th edition
- Paul G. Hewitt
- , John A. Suchocki
- , Leslie A. Hewitt
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For one- or two-semester physical science survey courses for non-science majors.
Opening the Doors of Science
Conceptual Physical Science, Sixth Edition, provides a conceptual overview of basic, essential topics in physics, chemistry, earth science, and astronomy with optional quantitative analyses. The authors focus on concepts before computations. With its clear, friendly writing style, and strong integration of the sciences, this book connects well with all students.
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Conceptual Physical Science, 6th Edition is also available via Pearson eText, a simple-to-use, mobile, personalized reading experience that lets instructors connect with and motivate students – right in their eTextbook. Learn more.
Published by Pearson (December 13th 2017) - Copyright © 2017
ISBN-13: 9780134857107
Subject: Physics
Category: Physical Science
Prologue: The Nature of Science
1. Patterns of Motion and Equilibrium
2. Newton's Laws of Motion
3. Momentum and Energy
4. Gravity, Projectiles, and Satellites
5. Fluid Mechanics
6. Temperature, Heat, and Thermodynamics
7. Heat Transfer and Change of Phase
8. Static and Current Electricity
9. Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
10. Waves and Sound
11. Light
12. Atoms and the Periodic Table
13. The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity
14. Elements of Chemistry
15. How Atoms Bond and Molecules Attract
16. Mixtures
17. How Chemicals React
18. Two Classes of Chemical Reactions
19. Organic Compounds
20. Rocks and Minerals
21. Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Interior
22. Shaping Earth’s Surface
23. Geologic Time—Reading the Rock Record
24. The Oceans, Atmosphere, and Climatic Effects
25. Driving Forces of Weather
26. The Solar System
27. Stars and Galaxies
28. The Structure of Space and Time