
Clinical Laboratory Hematology, 4th edition

  • Shirlyn B. McKenzie
  • , Kristin Landis-Piwowar
  • , J David Bergeron
  • , Lynne Williams

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Clinical Laboratory Hematology is a comprehensive survey of laboratory hematology balancing theory with practical applications. It's perfect for students at all levels of an MLT/MLS program (medical lab technician/medical lab science).

The text combines detailed technical information with a running case study. This format will help you synthesize and analyze information, answer questions and solve problems, and consider real-world implications. Case Study questions and checkpoints gauge your grasp of concepts from a module.

The 4th Edition has been thoroughly updated with the latest advances in laboratory medicine. It has new engaging features, including a new interactive library of nearly 1,200 images.

Published by Pearson (September 2nd 2021) - Copyright © 2019

ISBN-13: 9780134709369

Subject: Clinical Lab Science



  1. Introduction
  2. Cellular Homeostasis
  3. Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Organs


  1. Hematopoiesis
  2. The Erythrocyte
  3. Hemoglobin
  4. Granulocytes and Monocytes
  5. Lymphocytes
  6. The Platelet
  7. The Complete Blood Count and Peripheral Blood Smear Evaluation
  8. Introduction to Anemia


  1. Anemias of Disordered Regulation of Iron Metabolism and Heme Synthesis
  2. Hemoglobinopathies: Qualitative Defects
  3. Thalassemia
  4. Megaloblastic and Nonmegaloblastic Macrocytic Anemias
  5. Hypoproliferative Anemias
  6. Hemolytic Anemia: Membrane Defects
  7. Hemolytic Anemia: Enzyme Deficiencies
  8. Hemolytic Anemia: Immune Anemias
  9. Hemolytic Anemia: Nonimmune Defects
  10. Nonmalignant Disorders of Leukocytes: Granulocytes and Monocytes
  11. Nonmalignant Lymphocyte Disorders
  12. Introduction to Hematopoietic Neoplasms
  13. Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
  14. Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  15. Acute Myeloid Leukemias
  16. Precursor Lymphoid Neoplasms
  17. Mature Lymphoid Neoplasms
  18. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
  19. Morphologic Analysis of Body Fluids in the Hematology Laboratory
  20. Primary Hemostasis
  21. Secondary Hemostasis and Fibrinolysis
  22. Disorders of Primary Hemostasis
  23. Disorders of Secondary Hemostasis
  24. Thrombophilia
  25. Hemostasis: Laboratory Testing and Instrumentation
  26. Hematology Procedures
  27. Bone Marrow Examination
  28. Automation in Hematology
  29. Flow Cytometry
  30. Chromosome Analysis of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Disorders
  31. Molecular Analysis of Hematologic Diseases
  32. Quality Assessment in the Hematology Laboratory


  1. Reference Intervals
  2. Hematopoietic Neoplasms
  3. WHO 2017 Classifications
  4. Hematology Procedures
  5. Chapter Quiz Answer Key
  6. Checkpoints Answer Key
  7. Case Study Answer Key