
Exploring Child Welfare: A Practice Perspective, 7th edition

  • Cynthia Crosson-Tower

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Brief Table of Contents

1. Children: Our Most Important Resource
2. The Changing Family
3. Children and Families in Poverty (by Lynne Kellner and Kathleen Craigen)
4. The Impact of Violence and Addiction on Children
5. Children Against the Backdrop of War: Addressing the Needs of Military Families
6. Trauma-Sensitive Educational Settings (by Laura M. Garofoli)
7. Child Abuse and Neglect: Protecting Children When Families Cannot
8. Family Preservation or Child Placement? Serving the Child′s Best Interests (by Lynne Kellner and Cynthia Crosson-Tower)
9. Juvenile Court Justice: Promoting the Rights and Welfare of Children and Families (by Catherine C. Sinnott)
10. Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting (by Lynne Kellner)
11. Children in Family Foster Care
12. The Adoption of Children
13. Children in Residential Settings
14. Our Children′s Future

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