Medical Assisting

Build clinical & administrative skills for the medical profession

Digital solutions for medical assisting courses

With MyLab Health Professions for Medical Assisting, students master a wide range of healthcare services.

Discover MyLab Health Professions

Supplement your text with engaging interactive features, including video-based decision-making cases, critical-thinking quizzes, practice certification exams and procedural checklists.

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Routh/Garza/Lame/Mistovitch/Moini/Nguyen, Comprehensive Medical Assisting 5/e cover

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Webinars & events

Access on-demand webinars and discoveries in nursing education.

Join the Pearson Health Professions team to explore the latest addition to MyLab Health Professions—interactive Electronic Health Record (EHR) simulations. These activities are designed to prepare students for real-world workflows.

format event  Live Online

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