K-12 Educator Information
Educator Preview and Adoption Registration
Educators will need to register, via a brief one-time process, in order to access Revel programs, whether you are previewing or purchasing for use within your course.
Follow these registration instructions for high school educators to create an account or activate your existing MyLab or Mastering account for use with Revel.
How to Purchase
Please read the important information below before purchasing.
- Locate the program(s) of your choice by exploring the Revel course offerings.
- Ensure that your selection reads “Revel,” then consider which purchase option below (if offered) is best for your situation:
- Multi-Year Adoption: Select Revel programs are offered to high schools with either a 1- or a 6-year purchase option. View high school course solutions in the Pearson AP, Honors, and Electives catalog or Pearson Career and Technical Education catalog to determine if the multi-year option is available for your title/program and to help determine which ISBN to order.
- Institutional Licensing: Select courses are offered with a K-12 Institutional Licensing purchase option. This means that students will not need an access code to join your course. You will simply share a course enrollment URL that will allow your students to create their personal account and enroll in the course(s) without being asked to redeem a code. View courses offered with K-12 Institutional Licensing to determine if this option is available for your title/program and to determine which ISBN to order.
- Access Codes: If your title is not included in one of the options above, you should order the access card ISBN on the Revel product page. This is the ISBN that appears to the right of the Revel symbol as seen below. Disregard the other sales options and pricing on the product page since these are for individuals purchasing online with a credit card or PayPal. Note: this type of access code ISBN must be purchased using Pearson's Oasis ordering system.

- K-12 institutions need to submit the Revel ISBN(s) on a standard school purchase order for processing. Contact your Pearson sales rep for assistance with price quotes and order processing.
Important Purchasing Details
- Educators must set up a course for students to access Revel courseware.
- Before using the Revel mobile app, all students must register for a course online through a web browser.
- You must purchase a Revel ISBN as indicated above. Standalone Pearson eText ISBNs are not currently available for K-12 customers.
- Revel is sold per student, per course, and is limited to online access for up to one year. No multi-year options are available, and access is non-transferable.
- Access code ISBNs must be purchased using Pearson's Oasis ordering system. These access codes will be available for download within Oasis after purchase. Each access code is unique and enables one student to gain access to the online learning environment.
- Loose-leaf, three-hole punched, unbound texts are available to students/parents as an additional purchase within the Revel course via a credit card or PayPal. No bulk/institutional options to purchase loose-leaf versions are available.