The most comprehensive approach to develop practice-ready nurses
The complete nursing concepts curriculum
Better retention starts with a single source of knowledge. Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning provides the complete core content and materials you need to deliver a concept-based nursing curriculum – developing practice-ready nurses.
Pearson’s three-volume series is the only true concepts curriculum built from the ground up as a comprehensive, cohesive learning system. It empowers educators to align teaching and evaluation with competency-based assessment, ensuring students master essential concepts, build clinical judgment, and demonstrate proficiency in real-world nursing practice.
Now available in MyLab Nursing – Pearson's AI study tool.

Comprehensive Concepts Curriculum
Our three-volume series – available as both an eTextbook and print text – is central to our concept-based nursing curriculum. This program promotes mastery and retention.

MyLab Nursing
MyLab focuses on building competencies rather than memorizing content, through clinical decision-making cases, NextGen NCLEX cases, dynamic study modules and eText.

Clinical Nursing Skills: Practice for Mastery
Integrate active learning through reflective assignments and peer feedback. Clear outcomes, defined behaviors, and actionable assessment data help learners build confidence and proficiency, with formative assessments like direct observation or skill review to ensure competency.
Strategic instructional design
Consistency is a key pillar of our concept-based nursing curriculum. A consistent presentation of nursing concepts, exemplars, and skills throughout the series sets students’ expectations, reducing cognitive overload and supporting retention.
Learning objectives are mapped to AACN and QSEN competencies.

Why this works
“This is not superficial learning. In addition to developing clinical reasoning skills, students also develop effective thinking to transfer learning across concepts. The learning is getting wired into their long-term memory.”
– Delgado Community College
“The Pearson modules, assigned as homework prior to lectures provides incentive to student to review the material prior to the lecture so that students can delve more deeply into case analysis rather than just for the exam.”
– Lorain Community College
“Being able to use the books across the curriculum for multiple courses provides consistency for students and helps defray the cost. The pre-and post-test have an item analysis, which has been helpful in working with students.”
– Lakeland Community College
“There is a good level of organization and presentation of information that is both useful and valuable to the learner."
– Columbia Southern University
Product Showcase: Using AI with MyLab Nursing
Join the Pearson Nursing team for a virtual showcase of MyLab Nursing's interactive AI resources designed to enhance student engagement, confidence, and performance.
Transitioning to a concept-based curriculum
Join nurse educator Pam Kemp for insights on switching to a concept-based classroom. Discover best practices and teaching strategies to prepare nursing students for the demands of modern healthcare.
Concept-based, built from the ground up
Join the Pearson Nursing team for a virtual showcase of a true concepts curriculum that fosters deep comprehension and develops practice-ready nurses through a concept-based approach to learning.