MyLab Nursing

Where world-class content meets dynamic learning

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MyLab® Nursing merges dynamic study tools with the content you rely on. Easily customize your course to add a personal touch.

With MyLab Nursing, students develop into floor-ready nurses. They master key nursing skills, while preparing to ace the Next Gen NCLEX-RN® exam.

Channel your teaching style. Develop confident learners. It’s the power of MyLab. 

Key features

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Discover how MyLab Nursing prepares floor-ready nurses

“My favorite feature was learning the skill through the Decision-Making Case. It helped me connect what I learned to the kind of situations I would face as a nurse, practice ‘thinking on my feet’ and assessing the information I have, and learning from mistakes before interacting with real patients.”

– Nursing student, Miami Dade College

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Product Showcase: Promote Clinical Judgment with MyLab Nursing

Pearson’s Nursing team discusses how to use our case-based NextGen NCLEX questions in your courses.

Watch the recording

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