MyLab Brady

Where world-class content meets dynamic learning

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MyLab® Brady merges dynamic study tools with the content you rely on. Easily customize your course to add a personal touch.

With MyLab Brady, students prepare for EMS certification and careers. For over three decades, Brady has led the way in training materials for industry professionals.

Channel your teaching style. Develop confident learners. It’s the power of MyLab.

Key features

Featured titles

Offer these titles and more through MyLab Brady.

Explore Brady events

Hear from industry leaders on innovative ways to engage students in EMS and fire science fields.

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Harness AI to redefine learning

See how our AI-powered study tool transforms learning in select MyLab and Mastering products.

Explore the AI tool

Webinars, blogs and more

Access live webinars, on-demand recordings and accounts of MyLab and its impact. 

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Let’s connect

You can count on your Pearson representative to help you find best-in-class solutions to ensure you’re achieving all your classroom goals. Connect with us to request a product demo, receive sample materials for your courses, and more.

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