Assessing and utilizing client strengths in counseling

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Expert counselors and educators Victoria Kress and Matthew Paylo share the rationale and concrete recommendations for integrating strengths-based counseling into courses and practice, preparing your students to create individualized, culturally sensitive treatment plans.

Victoria Kress, Distinguished Professor, Youngstown State University
Matthew Paylo, Director of Counseling Programs, Concordia University Irvine

Counselors are trained to diagnose and treat psychopathology, but focusing only on deficits can neglect clients’ strengths. Recognizing and enhancing strengths can boost self-efficacy and protect against future issues. Using identified strengths, counselors can create individualized, culturally sensitive treatment plans. This presentation will provide an interactive learning environment where attendees will learn how to integrate strength-based counseling practices into their work. Attendees will receive concrete recommendations for strength-based assessment, interventions, and treatment planning.

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