AI Study Tools: Helping Students Study by Harnessing the Power of AI

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Join Dr. Michelle Hu and student Mikayla Wallace to explore Pearson's AI-powered study tools in MyLab & Mastering. Learn how these tools deliver personalized study experiences and improve outcomes.

Dr. Michelle Hu, Faculty Advisor, Pearson/University of North Carolina Greensboro
Mikayla Wallace, Pearson Campus Ambassador, University of Arizona

Join us for an engaging session that explores Pearson's AI-powered study tools. Available now in select MyLab & Mastering titles, these AI study tools are intentionally aligned to trusted Pearson content and help students curate an immediate, simplified and personalized study experience. Led by Dr. Michelle Hu, Pearson Faculty Advisor and an experienced chemistry instructor, Mikayla Wallace, a student from the University of Arizona. This webinar will provide a platform for exploring how students can use these innovative tools to improve their studying and additional strategies that can be incorporated into your teaching using MyLab and Mastering.

