The Art of Understanding: Harnessing the Powerful Effects of Drawing in the A&P Lab
Discover how drawing impacts learning and the brain with Michael Wood, author of Laboratory Manual of Anatomy & Physiology featuring Martini Art. Get tips for incorporating drawing into the A&P lab.
Michael Wood, Professor, Del Mar College
Join Professor Michael Wood, author of Laboratory Manual of Anatomy & Physiology featuring Martini Art as he discusses how drawing engages visual, kinesthetic, and linguistic aspects of the brain, fostering increased neural connectivity and deeper learning. Discover the role of drawing in learning through practical insights and how to incorporate it into the Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) lab course to aid in student understanding. Join this session to explore the use of drawing techniques for educational enrichment.
About the speaker

Michael Wood, Professor, Del Mar College
Michael G. Wood is a Professor of Biology at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas, where he has taught anatomy and physiology and biology for over 20 years. He has received the “Educator of the Year” and “Teacher of the Year” awards from the Del Mar College student body and from the local business community. He received his M.S. in 1986 at Pan American University, now the University of Texas at Pan American, where his research examined the ecological impact of an introduced species used widely in aquaculture (the blue tilapia) on the native fish population in the Rio Grande drainage of South Texas. He is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS).