Leveraging High-structure Course Design in Undergraduate Science

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Dr. Kim Quillin explains how to bridge the opportunity gap in undergraduate science programs by fostering active learning, championing transparency, and cultivating a growth mindset in students.

Kim Quillin, Introductory Biology Curriculum Coordinator for Salisbury University and co-author of Biological Science, Salisbury University

Increased course structure can increase student performance, sense of belonging, and retention and in undergraduate science programs, reducing the opportunity gap and thus increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM. Join Dr. Kim Quillin as she shares an example of a high-structure course design in introductory biology that incorporates transparent course outcomes, a consistent routine of low-stakes formative practice aligned to outcomes, a collaborative classroom culture of active learning, and a growth-mindset-based mastery-grading system providing multiple attempts for students to achieve outcomes on case-study-style summative assessments.

