They Won’t Read! What’s a Teacher To Do?
Terri Moore demonstrates in this session how Revel, as an interactive student content delivery system, engages students with activities embedded in their reading that are gradable and trackable, preparing them for deeper summative assessments of their learning.
Terri Moore, Faculty Advisor, Pearson
Student preparedness only happens when students engage actively with the content of their courses. Revel was designed as an interactive student content delivery system that engages students with activities embedded in their reading that are gradable and trackable. These formative assessment activities were designed to test your student’s understanding of the concepts they read in incremental steps toward mastery of the course. Students read a little and do a little, cementing the principles they just studied for future retrieval. Join us for a session that demonstrates how Revel engages students and prepares them for deeper summative assessments of their learning.
About the speaker

Terri Moore, Faculty Advisor, Pearson
A native Floridian, Terri worked in North Carolina for 15 years, directing non-profit agencies primarily in the fields of health care and services, working with AIDS and Cancer patients. Terri moved into academia where she taught in higher education for over 25 years, teaching communication courses first at Guilford Technical and Community College, completing her master's degree in communication studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Returning to her native state, she taught communication and college success courses with Polk Community College as she completed her Ph.D. in Psychology with an emphasis in social psychology. Terri's preferred research methods are qualitative as she addresses her passion for social psychology and well-being across the life span. Most recently, she published an article based on her research of women choosing to make new committed relationships in later life.
As a dual credentialed professor with Eastern Florida State College, Terri has been teaching both psychology and communication courses for over 25 years, using Pearson products in classes first with MyLabs and later with Revel as it expanded the list of authors and developed additional integrations such as Shared Media. She has taught extensively, both in face-to-face and online platforms, a wide range of communication and psychology courses, designing many master courses for online programs.
Terri’s passion to expand the voices of teachers and students in the design of educational materials that engage today’s students led her to work closely with Pearson representatives as an advisory board member in 2007. She was a free-lance Faculty Advisor with Pearson for approximately 12 years, making the choice in 2019 to leave full time academia for full time employment with Pearson as the Revel Faculty Advisor.