Dr. Trevor S. Hale, Texas A&M University
Dr. Trevor S. Hale is a Clinical Full Professor of Business Analytics at the Mays School of Business at Texas A&M University. He received a BS in industrial engineering from Penn State University, an MS in engineering management from Northeastern University, and a PhD in operations research from Texas A&M University. He was previously on the faculty of the University of Houston–Downtown, Ohio University–Athens, and Colorado State University–Pueblo and is a third generation faculty member; his father spent his career on the faculty at Penn State while his father’s father was at then Texas Western, now UTEP.
Dr. Hale spends most of his summers as an Office of Naval Research Senior Faculty Fellow. He has spent/will spend the summers of 2009, 2011, 2013, 2017, and 2022 performing energy security/cyber security research for the US Navy at Naval Base Ventura County in Port Hueneme, California.
Hale has published scores of articles in the areas of location science, operations research, and quantitative analysis in journals such as the International Journal of Production Research, the European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, the Journal of the Operational Research Society, and the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, among several others. He teaches statistics and business analytics courses at Texas A&M University. He is a senior member of both the Decision Sciences Institute and INFORMS and a former president of the National Council of Faculty Senates.
Hale’s passion outside of work is cycling. He has ridden in over a dozen MS150 rides and rode his bicycle across the state of Iowa in 2019. He and his wife, Valerie, are the proud parents of a daughter, Lauren Hale.