Where We Go From Here
Dr. Brian Rickard and Roneet Merkin discuss how they’ve managed change in the classroom.
Dr. Brian Rickard, Finite Mathematics Coordinator, University of Arkansas
Roneet Merkin, Instructor, Florida International University
The classroom we've returned to in Fall 2021 is not the classroom we left behind. The world has changed. Education has changed. In this talk, Dr. Brian Rickard and Roneet Merkin discuss how they’ve managed those changes in the classroom as well as used this restart as an opportunity to rebrand the classroom into what they want it to be.
About the speakers

Dr. Brian Rickard, Finite Mathematics Coordinator, University of Arkansas
Brian Rickard earned a BS in mathematics, MEd in higher education, and a PhD in educational statistics and research methods at the University of Arkansas. He joined the faculty of the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas in 2009 where he is currently a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. In 2013 he was chosen to coordinate and overhaul the Finite Mathematics course into a flipped course and later an online course. He has created over 170 mathematics videos currently in use in Pearson products and conducts research in competing risks analysis, retention and graduation, and university tutoring centers.

Roneet Merkin, Instructor, Florida International University
Roneet Merkin earned a BA in mathematics from Barnard College and a master’s degree in mathematics from City College of New York. She joined the faculty at Florida International University in 2014, where she is currently an Instructor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics as well as Program Director for the Mastery Math Lab. In 2015 she redesigned FIU's online Finite Math course, and in 2016 she co-designed their hybrid Finite Math course. Additionally, Roneet has helped transform several of FIU's 1000-level courses into inquiry-based, active learning courses. She has written over 100 conceptual questions currently used in Pearson's Finite MyLab® Math course by Lial/Greenwell/Ritchey. Roneet's passion is not just teaching math, but making math more teachable.