Early Alerts: Closing the Door Before the Horse Has Bolted, a Work in Progress
Join Dr. Jeffrey L. Hieb of J.B. Speed School of Engineering at the University of Louisville to see how MyLab® Math Early Alerts provide meaningful, early warning to students.
Dr. Jeffrey L. Hieb, J.B. Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville
Explore the impact of MyLab® Math Early Alerts on engineering students for the J.B. Speed School of Engineering at the University of Louisville. Many of the courses in the Department of Engineering Fundamentals participate in the university’s early alert system, because they’re taken by first-year students and have high DFW rates. With early alerts usually requested around week seven, faculty found the early alerts were often an encouragement to withdraw from the course.
Using several measures, including MyLab Math Early Alerts, the department is seeking to provide meaningful, early warning to students around week three. Preliminary exploration of this strategy was conducted this past Fall.

Dr. Jeffrey L. Hieb, J.B. Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville
Dr. Jeffrey L. Hieb is associate professor of engineering fundamentals at the University of Louisville, where he teaches calculus and linear algebra. He has led his department's adoption and use of MyLab® for more than 10 years.
Dr. Hieb's interests include educational technology, flipped classes, and cyber security education. He has also worked with Dr. Patricia Ralston (Chair, Engineering Fundamentals) and Dr. Keith Lyle (Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences) on the use of spacing in engineering math classes.