Learning Makes Us Webinar Series: Practical Tips for Teaching Genetics: Engaging Students and Improving Performance
In this informative webinar, Dr. Pamela Sandstrom of University of Nevada, Reno will discuss various teaching strategies to improve student engagement and performance in introductory Genetics courses, including mandatory discussion groups, in-class activities, and online homework assignments. This demonstration and discussion will include a quick introduction to MasteringGenetics, Pearson’s widely-used online homework and tutorial system, along with practical suggestions for setting student expectations, ideas for grade settings, advice for using gradebook and diagnostic information, and strategies for engaging students in class using clicker systems like Learning Catalytics
In this informative webinar, Dr. Pamela Sandstrom of University of Nevada, Reno will discuss various teaching strategies to improve student engagement and performance in introductory Genetics courses, including mandatory discussion groups, in-class activities, and online homework assignments. This demonstration and discussion will include a quick introduction to MasteringGenetics, Pearson’s widely-used online homework and tutorial system, along with practical suggestions for setting student expectations, ideas for grade settings, advice for using gradebook and diagnostic information, and strategies for engaging students in class using clicker systems like Learning Catalytics.
Dr. Pamela Sandstrom, University of Nevada