Explore two of the biggest trends in higher ed math: corequisite courses and bootcamps. Expert educators offer strategies for leveraging developmental content to give students targeted math review.
Join Niva Tro as he discusses new digital tools for highly structured courses and shares pre-built options that will help you swiftly set up a course that engages your students on a deeper level.
Gain valuable insights into the criminal justice field in this interview with Dr. Charles Russo, a veteran with over three decades of national security and criminal justice experience.
Join the Pearson Nursing team for a virtual showcase of a true concepts curriculum that fosters deep comprehension and develops practice-ready nurses through a concept-based approach to learning.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to early childhood education. Join author Michelle Rupiper, subject matter expert on early childhood programs, to learn what makes an educator effective.
Esteemed voices within the HBCU community discuss the critical role of HBCUs in higher education. Gain insights into the positive impacts of HBCUs and explore solutions for challenges in education.
Join experienced professors for an open dialogue on interactive courses in Math. Discover how interspersed assessment, animated graphs, and dynamic visualization can enhance critical thinking skills.
Discover how to enhance learning outcomes by integrating AI into your Chemistry course and your students’ study tools. Learn how to use AI in the classroom from experts Joel Caughran and Chris Hess.
Join author, educator and speaker Joe Mistovich as he discusses strategies for using pathophysiology in the classroom to engage students, improve outcomes and prepare them for Registry.
Discover the fascinating origins and meanings of the Easter Island Moai with author Patrick Frank. Explore the unique functions of these iconic sculptures through the latest archaeological research.
Join author Michael Quinn as he introduces the important topic of algorithmic bias and explains how to help students understand why creating systems that make fair decisions is easier said than done.
Discover how drawing impacts learning and the brain with Michael Wood, author of Laboratory Manual of Anatomy & Physiology featuring Martini Art. Get tips for incorporating drawing into the A&P lab.