Encourage student engagement and self-learning with Mastering Physics. Discover strategies to guide learners through problems and utilize the most effective resources.
Explore design-thinking, a structured approach to problem solving. Author Lori Long discusses the methodology, its management applications, and how to engage students with this user-centric process.
Explore the evolving role of AI in higher ed. Join our panel discussion on thoughtful AI use and practical strategies for using it effectively in the classroom.
Learn about the ease and benefits of using Revel for online courses. Save time and enhance student experience in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments.
Explore inclusive virtual classroom strategies to foster community and equity in diverse online student populations with Pearson authors Michele Kegley and Carol Harvey.
Optimize course management with MyLab Coordinator course groups. Join Bonnie Rosenblatt to learn how to streamline organization and save time across multiple course sections.
Gain insights on transitioning from print to digital textbooks for enhanced student learning. Faculty, students, and data experts share valuable guidance in this webinar.
Join author Henry Sayre in our Looking Through the Canvas webisode series where he will discuss the politics underlying Édouard Manet’s The Battle of the “Kearsarge” and the “Alabama” painted in a matter of weeks after, on Sunday, June 19, the U.S.S. Kearsarge engaged the Confederate sloop Alabama in international waters just off Cherbourg, France in the English Channel and sank her in a battle that lasted some 70 minutes. Manet’s first painting to directly address current events, it encapsulates French attitudes toward the American Civil War. Its centrality to the painter’s own political leanings are perhaps best illustrated by the fact that eight years later, after France had been defeated by Germany and radical Paris had fallen to more conservative French forces, in what itself amounted to a Civil War, it would be Manet’s sole entry to the Salon of 1872.
Join a panel of professors with extensive experience using Mastering Engineering to learn tips and ideas to get more from Mastering, saving you time and improving student outcomes.
Discover innovative tools in Campbell Biology in Focus, 4th Edition that enhance student learning, clarify concepts, and promote long-term retention in biology with co-author Dr. Lisa Urry.
Discover time-saving features in Pearson's Revel for mastering C++, Python, and Java. Upgrade your courseware experience with Dr. Sujin Wang from Lamar University.
Engage students with the upcoming eclipse on April 8th by using Mastering Astronomy. Join author Jeffrey Bennett for innovative teaching strategies and interactive tools.