Higher Education Events

Join us at these events or watch our on-demand, recorded webinars to gain ideas and insights and get inspired.

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In this informative webinar, Dr. Pamela Sandstrom of University of Nevada, Reno will discuss various teaching strategies to improve student engagement and performance in introductory Genetics courses, including mandatory discussion groups, in-class activities, and online homework assignments. This demonstration and discussion will include a quick introduction to MasteringGenetics, Pearson’s widely-used online homework and tutorial system, along with practical suggestions for setting student expectations, ideas for grade settings, advice for using gradebook and diagnostic information, and strategies for engaging students in class using clicker systems like Learning Catalytics


Recorded: Read more
Duration: 45 minutes

In response to the rapidly changing nature of teaching Biology, as reflected in the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education report, Pearson’s authors and content developers continue to prepare new resources that help biology students focus on conceptual understanding, developing scientific skills, and more. Using the Second Edition of Campbell Biology in Focus as a springboard for discussion, this webinar will explore a few practical suggestions and teaching techniques to focus Majors Biology course material by cutting back on selected details and allowing students to engage in more active learning and scientific inquiry


Recorded: Read more
Duration: 45 minutes

In this webinar, Professor Michael G. Wood will share strategies for incorporating drawing in the A&P lab as a way to engage students in the learning process and promote a deeper understanding of anatomical structures and physiological processes. No artistic abilities required


Recorded: Read more
Duration: 45 minutes

In this webinar, two innovative educators will share their teaching strategies for developing and implementing student-centered, interactive learning experiences for students in their face-to-face and hybrid microbiology classrooms. The discussion will include ideas for helping under-prepared students get up to speed on basic science concepts and techniques, strategies for assessing students inside and outside of the classroom, and tools that motivate students to master challenging concepts by contextualizing them in clinical, real-world problems and experiences


Recorded: Read more
Duration: 45 minutes