Language learning as the test-bunny for educational future tech (Episode 4)
This series, produced with The Edtech Podcast, explores the implications of and questions around future tech for education. Listen for insights from experts — including contrarians — from across industry, research, and academia. Watch episode 1, episode 2, episode 3.
Technological change is exponential, which means it will only impact our lives more and more quickly. Among the aspects of our lives undergoing change, language usage is one of the ones being altered most drastically. New technologies also create new opportunities for learning. How must we adjust and what can we take advantage of?
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About the author

Denis Hurley
Denis Hurley leads the global Future Technologies program within the Advanced Computing and Data Science Lab (“The Lab”). The Lab applies advanced computing and data science to create innovative software capabilities, processes, and frameworks that improve our digital products, advance our digital ways of working, and change how we approach digital education. The Future Technologies program is a pan-Pearson, cross-disciplinary, collaborative community of hundreds of colleagues, that has completed over 40 prototypes and roundtable discussions. Our work has impacted early development of many products and services, such as explorations into mobile-first strategies, immersive learning, and adaptive algorithms.
Denis studies emerging technologies and trends; promotes Pearson’s cutting edge products and strategies; and catalyzes teams, encouraging the exploration of innovative solutions and new opportunities. Denis is a frequent speaker at national and international events and workshops for educators and technologists.